Thanks Jericho, I did not know that about Marksman 500, I'm only looking for weapons to get the achievement. I just thought it was one of the 50 legendary weapons I had to collect.
Anyone who is looking to trade with me I have these weapons that I can trade:
Swords - Casanova, The Love Sword, The Splade
Rifles - Scattershot, Ol' Malice, Defender of the Faith
Hammers - Mallett's Mallet, Dragonbone Hammer, Lunarium Pounder
Pistols - The Barnumifactor, The Bonesmasher , Mirian's Mutilator
I'm looking for these weapons:
Skorm's Justice
The Tenderiser
Scythe's Warhammer
Tannar's Glory
Briar's Blaster
GT is Baked3sixty5, just message me if you want to trade.
i have briars blaster, il trade for the Barnumificator?