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My Fable 4 ideas


Lover of most things Fable
Apr 7, 2012
United States of America
I'm a new member here, and I created this count to create and monitor this thread, as I cannot currently connect to lionhead's website, and posting on the xbox forums for this just seemed stupid. So here are my ideas:
First of all, Lionhead and Microsoft, if they decide to make Fable 4, need to make sure it's available for the PC. Whenever they make Fable games xbox only releases, they make less money as there's less sales, because less people have an xbox than they do a PC.
That stuff being said, I now move on to more important stuff, namely storyline and features.
I think that the storyline should be a continuation of Fable 3. Pretty much you're the son or daughter of the King or Queen of Albion, the Hero of Brightwall. You start off with a very aged Jasper waking you up, blah blah blah, choose your first set of clothes, just like Fable 3 in that aspect. You then go through training on melee and ranged weaponry, and just as your father or mother is about to start on your more mundane lessons, he or she is told of a problem in Aurora that must be taken care of, and you're left rather abruptly. You wake up about three days later with your father or mother returning home, but something doesn't seem right. They're rather snappy, and have bags under their eyes the size of Mount Everest. Later that night, you wake up to hear them arguing with the Lord Commander of the Royal Guards, on some very controversial orders. Your father/mother wants to increase military occupancy in all the towns, and is ranting and raving rather furiously. Vehemently the Commander refuses, saying it violates all he stands for blah blah blah. Driven to the point of fury, your parent beheads the Commander on the spot. Fearfully you go back to bed, wondering what came over them. You don't lay there very long though, as you are quickly gagged and blindfolded by unknown assailants and are carted away from the Castle and into the Bowerstone Sewers. Struggling furiously, one of your kidnappers finally gets tired of it and knocks you out with a small cudgel. You wake up the next afternoon feeling well, despite the goose egg upon your head. You go to the door of the room you're in to find it locked. After a while someone comes with food, and it winds up being none other than Page. Having heard of what's going on in the castle, she decided it would be best to take you away until everything's sorted out.
You tell her about what happened with your parent going to Aurora. Faintly, almost to where you can't hear it, Page whispers, "Darkness..." She sends you to sneak back into the castle and steal the guild seal from your parent, in the hope that you have inheirited some their will capabilities. After sneaking past more guards than you ever remember being in the castle, you finally reach their bedchamber, where they fitfully sleep. You grab the guild seal, and are transported to a floating patch of grass in the sky above the castle, where Theresa tells you that your parent, and others as well, have been transformed into "dark guardians" much as Sir Walter was.She also teaches you more of your heroic lineage and teaches you how to use magic. Upon exiting what I'll call the Floating Isle for now, you find yourself back at the resistance headquarters, apparently teleported back by Theresa. You tell Page of all that has transpired, including what your parent is going through.

My main ideas when it comes to features are pretty straightforward.

1.Be able to choose the gender of your parent.
2.Be able to import a character from Fable 3 to serve as the parent of your character for Fable 4.
3.The whole spell gauntlet system was crap. Ditch it.
4.Experience orbs like those of Fable 2.
5:Skill system like Fable tlc. I admit, the Road to Rule was interesting and unique, but it didn't give Fable 3 the right feel to it.
6:TLC and Fable 2 weapon hierarchies and the ability to customize the weapons for a little extra gold.
7:Spell weaving should be kept, and there should be more spells in the game. Also make spell weaving a sort of skill tree on its own. The final version should allow you to weave four spells together to make an uberdeath spell.
8:Enemies should drop loot again, and quests should be semi-profitable, but jobs should still pay more.
9:The sword and hammer weapon class system was pretty interesting, but frankly I preferred Fable TLC's weapon classes, all except the pickhammers. Those were crap.
10: Peter Molyneaux claimed multiple times for at least one Fable game that the world would evolve in real time based on your actions. It has never come to be like that, and frankly, that would be completely epic.
11: Ditch that ridiculous knockout system, and make death possible again. Seriously, I lose a fight, all that happens is I get up in a blaze of light, nearby enemies get knocked down, and I get a small slap on the wrist in the form of a small experience loss, or in Fable three, loss of progress towards my next guild seal. Oh, and those unremovable scars, which by the way, NOONE GIVES A **** ABOUT!!!!!!
Features updated, more updates coming tomorrow.
What do you mean? O_O
You are just talking about Fable: The Lost Chapters and how cool it would be that Fable 4 is based off that kind of Fable. Lionhead has made it clear with its choices that it does not want a deep role-playing game, but instead an action game with a few role-playing features.
TLC was much more about the story than any of the other ones were. Fable 3, especially, was more about the action and seeing "cutscenes" of such.

That's probably also why most people like TLC much more than its follow ups.
Oh, I think Fable 2 was completely epic too. Fable 3 just kinda pales in comparison to the other two. Back on topic though, I made an update to the story stuff today and will add more tomorrow.
Ive said this before and ill keep saying it:
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

Ditch the armour system cus i like being able to wear what ever i want and not worry about defence bonus'
KoA:R as pretty much the same magic system as F1/TLC
Bring baack the weapon system from F1/TLC
The leveling system in KoA:R is pretty good, keep it (magic, stealth and power have their own skill tress, with perks)
I still think that Fable 4 is better off to continue with the same style of action that Fable 3 has.
I wonder though, then, what are your arguments for thinking that Fable 4 will be better off like that?

I think it's rather evident that since the release of Fable 3 (perhaps even 2, but I doubt it), Lionhead's been going downhill, and the amount of "true fans" have as well. In fact, Fable 3 was more cinematic than anything, which isn't really something that's as fun as a game such as TLC, where the story matters most.

If people want to play action games, why won't they just pick a shooter?
I wonder though, then, what are your arguments for thinking that Fable 4 will be better off like that?

I think it's rather evident that since the release of Fable 3 (perhaps even 2, but I doubt it), Lionhead's been going downhill, and the amount of "true fans" have as well. In fact, Fable 3 was more cinematic than anything, which isn't really something that's as fun as a game such as TLC, where the story matters most.

If people want to play action games, why won't they just pick a shooter?
Exactly, why Action = Shooter? Action RPG is a good genera, and I think that the way RPG and Action was balanced in Fable 3 is a good idea, if the game did not have the name 'Fable' it would have been more widespread. That is the wrong thing; fans expect a Fable which is more a RPG rather than an action game.

For me, Action and RPG are a good mix regardless of how much the game focus to one or another, but I would dislike that Fable would go back to its The Lost Chapters roots, a franchise evolves constantly and so do the developers and designers.
I would dislike that Fable would go back to its The Lost Chapters roots, a franchise evolves constantly and so do the developers and designers.
Yes, franchises evolve and so do the devs and designers – I won't deny that. However, there is a certain extent to which it would be considered acceptable or unacceptable. If you look at the majority of highly successful game series (think Mass Effect, Knights of the Old Republic, and Elder Scrolls), you'll quickly notice that they evolve the game as a whole, whilst not forsaking the very core of the game, which unfortunately was the case after Fable 2.

Change the coat, but not the person.
Yes, franchises evolve and so do the devs and designers – I won't deny that. However, there is a certain extent to which it would be considered acceptable or unacceptable. If you look at the majority of highly successful game series (think Mass Effect, Knights of the Old Republic, and Elder Scrolls), you'll quickly notice that they evolve the game as a whole, whilst not forsaking the very core of the game, which unfortunately was the case after Fable 2.

Change the coat, but not the person.
Fable has changed a lot, because it had to.
Fable has changed a lot, because it had to.

It did need to change, but it didn't need to change into what it has become today. Like Ojima stated, change the coat, but not the person. TLC was a good foundation for what could have been built into an excellent franchise, but instead Lionhead tore apart the core of the game and gave us servings of sour meals that many didn't ask for. Why scratch off something that works well for something that doesn't?

There's a fine line between simplifying a game to the point you dumb it down vs. making a game more accessible without altering the core, but continuing to build upon and I think it's clear Lionhead struggled with trying to not cross that line. Evolving is good, but it becomes a problem when the company continuously makes wrong/poor choices during the process of their evolution to the point it damages them.
Frankly, I thought Fable 2 was great. It's Fable III that's torn down the basic foundations in gameplay. But let's get back on topic to the ideas I have listed instead of a philisophical debate over the series please. O_O
Frankly, I thought Fable 2 was great. It's Fable III that's torn down the basic foundations in gameplay. But let's get back on topic to the ideas I have listed instead of a philisophical debate over the series please. O_O
Yeah they're great and everything.
But the debate is better so...
It did need to change, but it didn't need to change into what it has become today. Like Ojima stated, change the coat, but not the person. TLC was a good foundation for what could have been built into an excellent franchise, but instead Lionhead tore apart the core of the game and gave us servings of sour meals that many didn't ask for. Why scratch off something that works well for something that doesn't?

There's a fine line bewteen simplifying a game to the point that a chimpanzee with the downs can complete it vs. making a game more accessible without altering the core, but continuing to build upon and I think it's clear Lionhead struggled with trying to not cross that line. Evolving is good, but it becomes a problem when the company continuously makes wrong/poor choices during the process of their evolution to the point it damages them.
My view of the Fable franchise progression goes as such -

Fable II: Well this certainly is a different cup of tea, eh old boy? Still rather spiffing though.

Stop dumbing the game down, one sequel after another.

Lionhead should've taken what made Fable:TLC good and made it great. Improved the graphics with a new engine and still have added the playable female heroes. Kapish?
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I would be disappointed to see the next Fable game decrease in quality over Fable III. They're really skimming the line here for what I will be interested to purchase. I hope they see how much of a pitfall Fable III was and make this game more complex and interesting. I don't even know how to start speculating about the story or what Lionhead could do with it.
I also think that Fable III was worse than Fable II or Fable: TLC, I mean the plot isn't really original--travelling around the land trying to get people to join your cause--and when it actually starts getting interesting, it's over really quickly. But a couple of ideas for the next Fable, if they have the system where you buy houses but have to repair them, add in a 'Repair all' option, because on Fable III when you own everything in the game it takes about 10 minutes to repair all the houses. Also, if you are playing as a female character and you get pregnant, or if you play as a male and get your wife pregnant, have them actually be pregnant and not have the child straight away. It isn't very realistic, but don't say that the weapons and magic aren't realistic because it's a role-play game and they are realistic for that type of thing. The kid glitch where it randomly generates a kid, instead of paying attention to the parents' skin and hair colour, that could be fixed. I know that none of these things actually affect the journey your character takes, but they are just suggestions.