Hey im new to the forums but heres my intake on his ideas...
1. Xbox live enabled, download themes, addons, new quests, armor,weapons,and so on
2.Xbox live Enabled Multiplayer action, im not saying for quests im talking about trading, pvp in an arena, npc vs player matches in an arena.
3. Because there are going to be a dog in fable 2, i want to have like dog fights and get to like play with other dogs and so on.
4. DOG ARMOR woooooo! lol just like in oblivion with horse armor but for dogs, but with the more armor u put on your dog the less mobility he has.
5.Enchanting your weapons, Armor and so on, Example: resist cold dmg 30%.
6. The making of your own weapons, u get ore and like wood and the right ingredients and then you can go into a smithing place and , for a price, make a weapon or armor of your choice.
7.To be able to chopping wood, mining ore, OH YA FISHING! and other things.
8.A better communication system, i was disappointed in how bad the communication between the villagers was we need to have a choice to what to talk about.
9.To have a map creation or moding program for the Xbox 360 and pc. For example: Xbox live, u make the map and in the map u get to fight against or with your friends and with player vs npc battles in them.
10.A wide variety of expressions, more then fable 1 and tlc and the ability to change your characters appearance example: Race(black or white),hair, weight and so on.
11. The ability to use the things in the world to your fighting advantage as well as npcs: like u can swing off a lantern and hit someone in the face or trip someone by pushing a chair into his legs?
Well i hope u like my ideas, Dan