Yeah yeah +Rep here to. But anyways, when the discussion about neutrality came up, i just couldn't keep away my stupid flat (not fat) hands.
begin ramble\
You know these spells (i've forgotten their names) which you can't evolve to 4:th level unless you're good (for the good spells) and others you can only have at 4:th level if you're evil (for the evil spells). Maybe there should be neutrality spells for neutral guys? For example a kind of "Animal Attack" spell which makes nearby natural creatures (like perfectly normal wolves) attack a target.
Maybe some kind of "ultimate evil", "ultimate good" and "ultimate neutral" spells should exist. And you should only be able to evolve evil spells to 2:nd step if you're good and vice versa. If you're neutral, you can evolve both good and evil spells to third level.
But now back to the "Ultimate" Spells. There might be a "control weather" spell that comes on a couple of variants. Although good/evil guys might be able to control the weather in a limited way (for example cast a lighting bolt from the heavens) only neutral guys can use a "control weather" ultimate spell. You can use the spell in several ways, and affect the weather in these ways: Rainy and stormy weather, Perfect weather and more. As you evolve the spell into higher levels, the spell affects a greater area and has a more drastic effect. For example: while a level 1 control weather spell might be able to call rain and a few lightining bolts, a 4:th level spell would create a lot of lightning bolts, winds that knock enemy of their feet, rain that distrupts gun fire and more.
I'm beginning to get dry in the (virtual) throat here. But i'm continuing anyways.
If you can have farms and such, such a spell would be rather useful, growing the crops etc. etc.
Diffrent angliments should also have some kind of "smite" spell. A good smite spell kills evil creatures easily, while an evil "smite" does the same to good. Neutral offence spells shouldn't really be so strong against one angliment, but it performs equally to all enemies, while a good "smite" would only be effective against evil creatures, neutral "smites" is effective against everyone.
Maybe there should be a quick grow kind of spell, if you really can plant a seed and watch the trees, bushes and other things grow up.
This is all i could get out at the moment. /end ramble