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Occupy Protests


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Jan 6, 2007
On one hand they have a large following and have spread to causing an international phenomenon. The media couldn't ignore it any longer and it's making it's way into political debates (discussion and actual consideration not so much). Part of the movements strength is because it represents general discontent. It's hard to blame anyone for being discontent given the state of everything, so it's hard if not downright impossible to disagree with their cause.

On the other hand, the weakness in their 'general discontent' is they lack specific demands. The entities they are opposed to range from large corporations, to the richest 1%, to politicians who accept money in exchange for influence from either. Furthermore they have not organized any form of effort to influence politics in their favor. Yes, they are making their voices heard, but the people they want to listen most are the very people they are angry with. The Tea Party worked to have their own representatives elected into public office, which the Occupy movement is largely not taken seriously for lacking.

Is there a movement in your area?
Have you attended?
What do you think they will accomplish?
Do you agree with what is being said?

I didn't think these protests were going to get as much attention as they did, so I was pleasantly surprised. I support their cause 100%, and I would join in on the protests if I was closer to one of the protest sites. I think the reason this movement hasn't actually done anything yet is because they haven't formed some sort of legitimate organization that has specific goals outlined. If they can manage that somehow, they might make a bit of progress.
I am glad this movement came about because at the time the tea movement began there wasn't anything big enough to rival it and unfortunately the tea movement led to a lot of nuts gaining public attention and office elections in the republican party.

I wanted to go check out the occupy, but haven't had the chance. I like the fact that it is a cultural movement and not counter culture one in the way that people of all demographics with a common anger over politics and wall street have pulled together. It may not be quite as organized as I'd like but you can't argue the commitment and longevity as people are literally, living it in the parks and such and there every day.
I'll just leave this here.

I saw today that the cops shot a marine who served two tours in Iraq in the head with a tear gas round, more out of control cops. They declared the protests illegal regardless of the fact that it's in our declared laws to protest against corruption and evil. This country is in a police state, America in general thinks they can just win over something by using overwhelming power. That's obviously been proven wrong in War and in Domestic Violence. They end up creating more enemies than friends. On both fronts.
U.S. Marine defends citizens against police brutality at occupy wall street. Rants against and completely owns a large group of NYPD cops and riot cops. It is nice to see a respectable figure support this movement to disprove the rhetoric of the right that this is a movement of new age hippies. This is possibly the start of a revolution.
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They've been abusing park curfews as an excuse to arrest tons of protestors (probably to make money on fines more than break up the protest, but either way). I went ahead and created a petition on the white house website to have them examine and (hopefully) amend it on a federal level.

Create an account and sign it if you agree (takes 5 min tops), continue on with your life if you don't care/disagree. If I can get 250 signatures it'll be publicly displayed and anyone browsing will be able to sign, not just those who stumble across the unique link.

When Occupy Calgary was first started, the mayor supported them in every way. Now they're starting to delay events happening where they are protesting, and are costing the city about $1000 a day in damages. Now they're saying that if they don't pack up soon they're getting forcibly removed. And I really can't blame them. They're more of a nuisance right now than anything.

And call me a dick, but I hope they post a date when they are getting removed. I wanna watch. :P

EDIT: And I just want to point out that my opinion is specifically aimed at Calgary, not any other protests. The one here seems to be doing absolutely nothing besides annoy people. Especially when they're camping at Olympic Plaza. Lots of events happen there, they should GTFO.
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There are protests in Melbourne, and I'm going to sus them out on Saturday. I love the cause, but I don't think anything will change here, because our politicians are ****ing retards.
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The movement has spread all over the world, especially after another Greece bailout. In the states though the gov't is finally cracking down after about two months of this. What's amazing is how rapid these movements are formed via online social networks.

I happen to be organizing a movement right here on the forums called 'Occupy Lionhead Studios' We are demanding Fable the Journey not be a Kinect game and for them to instead make a sequel that compliments how great Fable TLC was. :troll:

..Donations will go to my plane ticket were I will not be attending and instead will go to paying for Bethesda's expensive collector's edition.