Don't you guys know? Arseface's dictionary says it means "one who disagrees".
What if I said that rapists disagree with the idea of consent? Like I said, there's a difference between some having an opposing opinion, and someone having a flawed opinion.
So I'm ignorant if my end-goal in life is to live out my days in a small beach house on the coast happily ever after? If I don't take it upon myself to solve all the world's problems, then I'm a hateful, selfish and stupid person?
It's not even that, John. By all means, try to live your life the way you want it. But does that mean you can't help others to do the same?
"Rest of us"? Tell me who "us" is. What I know is that I certainly don't put you at any disadvantage. You think you're going to change the world by arguing about society's problems on an online forum, you're already hindering yourself more than I ever could because you set yourself up for defeat every time you initiate these types of discussions.I don't burden myself with world hunger so I'm selfish, I get that part. But because I'm selfish I'm also a sociopathic serial killer? I know a few killers, and you already know that I know one killer especially. I will not be labeled the same as a killer for being selfish. I took the last slice of pizza, that makes me inconsiderate, selfish perhaps, but it doesn't make me a killer.
I never said you were a killer. I never said anyone was a killer. I was trying to draw a parallel between Skotekal's argument and that of a hypothetical serial killer's. T'was nothing more than a persuasive device.
If it's a difference of opinion then you should agree to disagree because that's the only way to draw this thing to a mutual close. And serial killers resign to being hated when they start killing people.
The same way many people resign themselves to being hated because they can't be bothered trying to improve themselves?
While I am not one of the apathetic, I see no problem with people who are. They neutralize themselves. As a non-vote, they don't make things better or worse. You'll notice that politicians fight for votes, not non-votes. If a bill is passed or defeated, your beef is with the opposing voters, not the non-voters, because they didn't vote against you.
That's not really my point. My point is that people who don't care make up a majority of people, so say you're government decides to go down a sneaky fascist route, holding mock elections and giving the people the illusion that they're free, then the ones who notice it will be called crazy by the ones who don't care, and it will continue.
All life matters. Everything matters. People feel for others, I know I do. But while your misfortune may be bad, it isn't going to make me quit my job, start a petition, and protest outside courthouses. What I can do is sympathize for those less fortunate than I am.
But if enough people did do that, then these injustices might actually stop.
No. To be cynical is to think that everyone is in in it for themselves, that everyone is selfish, that no one's motives are genuine unless entirely self-serving, that no one has any shred of integrity or honesty. You look at politics and see a bunch of liars and thieves, that makes you a cynic. You seem to have trouble with words, so I would recommend sticking to the ones you know.
I'm not a cynic, because whilst I believe most politicians are self serving cretins, I acknowledge that there are a few who genuinely aren't. I actually try to see the good side of people, rather than just thinking that they must have some ulterior motive.
And maybe I was using the word cynic wrong, but that's the meaning I was attributing to it. I'm sorry for my imperfect grasp of the English language.
Thinking that a niche philosophy is an absolute truth is idiotic. Might be hypocritical as well considering your views on religion.
I don't think anything that anyone thinks is an absolute truth. I've thought about this, and I think it's the best course of action, but then I could just be insane, or have false information. That's why I like to argue a lot. It helps me learn.
Watch your language. And these people aren't rolling over. They're kids. A person who rolls over will have done so for thirty years, and then finally complain about how much the world has changed while never once having done so much as voted in their entire lives.
John, people change. I've done enough of it in the past few years to know that it's the truth. You might agree with me in a years time. I might agree with you. We both might think the world is a disk on the back of a giant turtly and four elephants. I wish people could be judged on their thoughts and intentions rather than their past behaviour, but I know it's not possible. The best we can do is to make sure we don't repeat the same mistakes in our future actions. Of course, we might eventually think those actions were wrong.
The kind of change you want is a niche thing. Comparatively few people want what you want. The kind of change you want doesn't just need a majority, it requires the totality. And anyone who opposes must be fought because they hinder the cause. I oppose you. What will you do to fight me? To what extent will you fight me? Do the ends justify the means? Have you asked yourself any of this?
Yeah, actually. I had planned to just talk it out until we could reach a solution that suits both parties. Just what that solution is, I don't know. Every sapient being should have the right to self determination, and that would actually be possible in my society.
Impractical crazy ideals. So long as there exists anyone who wants to opt out of such a system, there will be conflict. And there will be "idiots" who would fight it. And without a totality, your system will not work. So much for permanent renaissance. You should know that nothing is permanent.
John, whatever you think of my ideas, the truth is that we have (or will have in the very near future) the means to live in a utopia. A near perfect communist paradise run by, say, a sentient AI. Or a conventional government. Or both. Or a quantum intelligence. This would, however, make everyone currently in power, irrelevant, so they'll obviously use their power to resist all change.
Jaques Fresco may be a bitter old ****, but he's got the right idea.
Alright, how the hell did this go from me not helping society to being a disgusting, heartless person who lets children starve while I bask in luxuries? How do you seem to assume that my ideology of not caring about governments in power travels all the way to letting helpless children starve?
You're not. You're attitude enables it, but is not directly responsible for it.
I just love how not caring about society makes me a heartless childkiller with the equivalent mindset of a devilish corporation. *facepalm*
Read what I'm writing. Stop trying to just shoot me down, and try to understand my argument. Who knows, we might just stop butting heads and actually learn from each other.
EDIT: You also seem to be avoiding some of my points and finding new ways to call me and idiot or bad person whilst ignoring what I'm saying.
I'm sorry if I've done this. Please, list the points that I have skipped, and I'll do my best to address them
All of it just boils down to this:
We have the capacity to choose our own destiny, why shouldn't we try to make it as good as possible for everyone?