Okay, I'm going to go out on a limb here and be the first to disagree with this entire thread. I've been a fan of Fable since the beginning and, while the takeaway from third person is questionable, it has worked in the past. In regards to the on rails comments, only part of the demo (if we can call it that) was on rails, with the player actively walking through a part. And even on rails, seriously, no one here liked Area 51 or CarnEvil or Time Crisis? It's not what I was expecting but after so long it might be time for a little mix-up. Also, many of the haters on here don't
even own Kinect and are bashing it. I own the thing and will it change my life having it or a game on it? No, but it is wicked fun. The problem is the same as the Wii, it is childish fun which this game may very well fix. Bash this post if you want, and I won't know if I'm right or wrong until more demos, videos, or at least details come out but I am looking forward to this game, even if I'm the only one.