I actually liked him better in fable 2 ( ? ) and think he seems more of a villain in 3, but I would really enjoy a greater back story, like his pages you find in F2 refer to a time before he was "reaver", and it suggests that he was unaware that the whole town would of died for his youth, and that it was this catastrophe followed by many years on the planet, warped him into the persona "reaver", I would enjoy knowing his back story, and what events made him so petrified of death that he decided to make sacrifices to ward it off?
One can wish eh lol.
p.s. as of late I have been having conspiracy theories about reaver and theresa, dont ask me why but I've been wondering if she had a helping hand in the creation of the "reaver" persona, I'm most likely wrong but wouldnt be supprised if they had some shady dealings that we're unaware of, they both have been around for centuries, so I find it strange that it was only 50 or so years ago ( fable 2....more if you count before the spire ) that they had their first encounter.