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The New Layout


The Shadow Modder
Jul 15, 2010
Heroes' Guild
Looks brilliant. Good job Steve. There's this small bug though, when I click the "Stalk us on Twitter" it redirects me to the dmc forum twitter. (The same goes for the other social accounts) Also the header in hover menus lacks a background.
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Re-enacting the change to XenForo for the new batch of users?

I also realized the url changed to "Fablehero.com" but the copyright at the bottom is unchanged.
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I'm more than a little curious about the domain name change. Did Lionhead demand projectego back or something?
Projectego.net still works properly and is owned by Steve. Was also recently updated for 2015. Although the name "fablehero.com" perhaps sounds good for a fable community since the name projectego fell to obscurity.
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B-but it has nostalgic value.... to me....
Probably does to Steve, too. But he's not known to ask about major changes. They just magically happen, no questions asked. Well, at least I hope the various bugs are treated before Fable Anniversary is released.

Wouldn't want the new members think this is a devilmaycry community, right?
I don't liek the new url but to be fair it will attract more attention in google and other search engines if people are searching for fable this site will likely show up alot more. The update looks great was abit panicked when it was all blue and headachy...
Cheers for the feedback, guys - always really nerve-racking when a site update is rolled out. Still a few bugs here and there that need fixing, but everything went pretty smoothly for the most part. I'm hoping to install a few extra forum modifications later on, and see if we can get a few of the older members to return and get this place busy again.

Looks brilliant. Good job Steve. There's this small bug though, when I click the "Stalk us on Twitter" it redirects me to the dmc forum twitter. (The same goes for the other social accounts) Also the header in hover menus lacks a background.
Thanks man. The social links need updating and I'll try to get on top of that this afternoon.

Yeah, it looks f****** awesome. I was wondering what was going on, for a little bit the layout was all blue and really obnoxious. :lol:
Thank you! Yeah, that blue was a bit of an eyesore. I have somewhere in the region of 30 tabs active at all times, 10 of which usually consisting of pages in the admin area for tweaking templates. Pretty sure I was fiddling with the wrong tab when all that blue appeared - my bad!

I also realized the url changed to "Fablehero.com" but the copyright at the bottom is unchanged.
Gah - missed that one! All sorted now.

I'm more than a little curious about the domain name change. Did Lionhead demand projectego back or something?
I don't think that 'projectego' belongs to anyone, per se, but it unfortunately isn't immediately recognizable as something Fable-ish. I've been wanting to change the domain for years and I've had a notepad of ideas lying around for just as long, but never really managed to come up with the perfect one. If you frequent any of the other sites that I'm involved with, you'll have likely picked up on the fact that I love to collect no-nonsense novelty domains, like devilmaycry.org. Love that. As of late-2012, I managed to secure residentevil.org for $10 as it was expiring and dinocrisis.com for about £150 in an auction. I also own dinocrisis.net and dinocrisis.org because kekekekekeke

On the subject of domains, I don't think that I'm actually a huge fan of fablehero.com - it makes me think of some sort of absurd Guitar Hero knock off. Really liked it at first, but now I'm not so sure. Also, I like short and snappy domains. Me and DD were kicking around a few ideas, with my favourite being a domain that didn't even have 'Fable' in the title but had that Fable vibe I was looking for. Still, if you guys like it, we can keep it.
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On the subject of domains, I don't think that I'm actually a huge fan of fablehero.com - it makes me think of some sort of absurd Guitar Hero knock off. Really liked it at first, but now I'm not so sure. Also, I like short and snappy domains. Me and DD were kicking around a few ideas, with my favourite being a domain that didn't even have 'Fable' in the title but had that Fable vibe I was looking for. Still, if you guys like it, we can keep it.
To be honest, I don't think "fablehero.com" is such a bad choice, but it sounds more like a name you can give to a database. If you remember I even ran for a short time a Skyrim database website under the name Skyrimhero.

That said, I still think the choice of Fablehero is a decent one, since it will help with the SEO.
To be honest, I don't think "fablehero.com" is such a bad choice, but it sounds more like a name you can give to a database. If you remember I even ran for a short time a Skyrim database website under the name Skyrimhero.

That said, I still think the choice of Fablehero is a decent one, since it will help with the SEO.
I like that the domain has 'fable' in it, and in the games you play as a hero (or villain), so it sort of makes sense, but I'm really finding it hard to not think of fudging Guitar Hero whenever I see that URL in the address bar DAMMIT

Didn't know that you were running a Skyrim website dewd. What was the link? My Google fu is weak today and Archive ain't giving me doody.
I like that the domain has 'fable' in it, and in the games you play as a hero (or villain), so it sort of makes sense, but I'm really finding it hard to not think of fudging Guitar Hero whenever I see that URL in the address bar DAMMIT

Didn't know that you were running a Skyrim website dewd. What was the link? My Google fu is weak today and Archive ain't giving me doody.
The link used to be SkyrimHero.net, but it's been down because I gave up on the project. (It actually was online for some months, but traffic wasn't much, so it makes sense that there's not an archived version) However, here's some archive from my design work.

Picture 1

Picture 2
I want the cheeky little Hobbe back...and working emoticons.

And a pie.

And some...uh...gum.

Love you.
Harder than you think to come up with a decent, short and snappy URL that embodies Fable into it (we discussed it for some time). Hobbecave had a nice ring to it but incorporating hero and Fable into URL would help us in the search engines and its easy to remember. So we are hoping that with Fable Anniversary getting people playing the series again and other people who may not have played it in the past getting into it we shall have new members searching for it.

I shall always have the nostalgic feeling towards ProjectEgo when I think of these forums however. We are always open to suggestions on all aspects of the forums though so any changes you may think of or fixes that need doing just throw us a message. Though some are in hand already while some bugs are ironed out and things are transferred over. We look forward to pushing the forums towards the future and welcoming back old members and introducing new members to our boards.
Harder than you think to come up with a decent, short and snappy URL that embodies Fable into it (we discussed it for some time). Hobbecave had a nice ring to it but incorporating hero and Fable into URL would help us in the search engines and its easy to remember. So we are hoping that with Fable Anniversary getting people playing the series again and other people who may not have played it in the past getting into it we shall have new members searching for it.

I shall always have the nostalgic feeling towards ProjectEgo when I think of these forums however. We are always open to suggestions on all aspects of the forums though so any changes you may think of or fixes that need doing just throw us a message. Though some are in hand already while some bugs are ironed out and things are transferred over. We look forward to pushing the forums towards the future and welcoming back old members and introducing new members to our boards.
I tried to come up with names before and I fully understand. Actually, I have a real suggestion -- the post body has a font that integrates too much with the background, from experience I suggest to change the post background into something different but that also integrates with the layout.

Also remove the lines between the posts or change their colors to something neutral as pure dark splits up an otherwise more "fluent" design.

Also the copyright sign still says Capcom and the copyright year is still set as 2013.
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I like it, but...


For serious, though, I'm not sure I like "fablehero." Given that one of the games is called Fable Heroes, and that game isn't our focus at all... it's just kinda meh. Not that I can come up with anything better. HeroesofAlbion.com? AlbionHeroes.com? KingdomofAlbion.com? MeetSexyAlbionSingles.net?

I want the cheeky little Hobbe back...and working emoticons.

I miss the hobbe too! He was my homeboy!