Weirdly that came to mind when it first happened, however its more like this here...

Idiot Chav Scumbags
If only the government took this approach...

Super ****ed off about this, Manchester completely f*cked, 3 people dead in Birmingham because of opportunistic thieving moron's looking to loot and destroy everything they can. I can't understand why people would raze their own home area to the ground like this, they must enjoy living in a sh*thole (then again the rioters are a bunch of good for nothing chavs so it isn't surprising.
They should put any culprits they catch in stocks and let the people who's homes and business they've destroyed throw all the rotten fruit and veg they can at the idiot bast*rds, hows that for a bit of mob justice?
Hope this blows over fairly quickly, its ridiculous this is allowed to happen it just shows how far spread and stretched the police are, and how ineffective they are, anyone wanna call the army in?
I also thought of V. It's about the right year as well...![]()
They are all moaning about lack of jobs and poor living conditions and trying to claim this is them showing their frustration to the government. Right so burning down all of your businesses in your town and sending most of the industries there into financial ruin is going to help the prospects for your town/city... idiots. Now they will have all the peoples whose shops they have destroyed searching for jobs with them meaning less jobs and more people applying...
They saw the London riots on the news, thought it looked like fun, then without thinking about the consequences they go out and start throwing bricks to see what they can get away with and thus starting a riot in their area (just the trouble they were looking for all along,) and they claim this is to show the government how ****ed of they are, how is robbing some poor bast*rds (a fellow private citizens) shop and sending him/her into ruin an act of frustration against the government? That doesn't make an ounce of sense to me
It's bad enough that they've done this, but for analysts who are on the news to make excuses for these wankers and make them look like oppressed victims really makes my blood boil.
I've been keeping a close eye on this for about a day now. From what I heard his family was the first to protest because Mark was unarmed when the police shot him, and then they shot their own radio to make it look like he shot at them.
According to reports he wasnt unarmed he had a 'Starter' Pistol that was modified to fire live bullets which was the reason he was shot apparently, only conflicting report was that he had fired at the police first. Its illegal to carry any sort of firearm in public here and so the armed police would have arrested him anyway as soon as they were aware.
Ballistic tests hint Duggan never opened fire on cops
Ah, goodness me... I feel like that's the fifth version of the story I've heard about the actual shooting.
I didn't realize you folks weren't allowed to have guns over there, but I saw that it's estimated that there's around 5 million illegal guns on the streets in the United Kingdom. And as I was watching the riots and reading about them I noticed the main weapon if any the police had was that small plastic-like shield, although I did see a few with batons. Are regular police allowed to be armed with firearms over there? Or do they have to have "special permission"? This may seem like a dumb question for me to be asking but I'm curious because I heard the news saying owning guns isn't allowed for civilians and I think they also said many police aren't allowed to have/use guns either.
We have a special unit that are armed (who deal with armed robberies and such but most people dont carry guns). People can acquire a gun license but they are usually hunters and farmers and it can only be used on land with permission to shoot and they have to store the gun in a locked cabinet in their home separately to the ammo (lots of regulations). Riot Police usually have batons, pepper spray and shields but the people who shot him were the armed police and it was a police sniper i believe.
Ah, I see. It's very interesting seeing the difference between British and American police... as you have special units who are allowed guns, and your riot police are given batons, pepper spray and shields... but over here just about every cop has a fully loaded glock, handcuffs, tasers, and a baton and usually a shot-gun or assault rifle in the back of the car and our riot police are usually armed with bullet proof vests, assault rifles, armored cars, etc etc... like they're about to go into combat for World War Three. It really makes you understand why Britain really doesn't want their police have an entire arsenal of weapons... judging by the track record of people, criminals AND innocents dying by the hands of American Police using their weapons wrongfully.
Yeah there have been a handful of cases like this that happened. A Man thought to have a loaded shotgun in a bag was shot dead and it turned out to be a table leg. Then with the underground bombing a suspected bomber was shot dead after running into underground from police with a bag on his back thought to be a bomb. He was innocent too, so police have to be careful and lots of red tape behind the force certain units can use to prevent things like this happening.
It's an awful shame... have the riots died down any in the cities? I haven't checked much on it today as I've been out. I know the most violence I think happened last night. Apparently these have been going on for two-three days. Has the violence, rioting and looting died down in certain cities? Or is it still very active? I'm sure come night-fall it may kick back up again...
I swear the world could blow up and our family would be the last to know about it...