Final Fantasy has some of the best songs. Perhaps a little cheesy, but meh.
You're right, it is cheesy. However I'm rather partial to 1,000 Words in comparison to Real Emotion that the fake Yuna does. 10 years later and that song still hasn't clicked with me yet.
Btw, how 'bout that Final Fantasy 9?
Ahhh Parasite Eve. A gem of a game back in the golden age for rpgs: the PS1 era. It used oldchool Final Fantasy mechanics, the Active Time Bar (making you wait for your actions) but also required you to physically dodge the enemy attacks. On top of excellent gameplay they had an amazing and rather plausible sci-fi storyline involving evolution and mutation. Good stuff. But the point is the music. It set the horror, it set the mystery. It brought the mood of the setting out to it's fullest.
White_Howler said:This theme plays early in the game and really sets up the fact that you have no idea what's really going on at this point and that you are seeking answers about the horrifying mystery underway. Cannot tell you how much I love this track.
Always loved this gem of a game and its excellent soundtrack, the amount of people I see that don't remember or even know of it disappoints me. I liked how they creatively did the visuals for some scenes in the game, such as when you're having a conversation inside the police cruiser. I found that to be the strong points of the SquareSoft games back then, because all of the games lacked voice-acting, they had to rely on finely composed music to help tell the stories. One of my favorite tracks from the game would definitely have to be the battle theme "Arise Within You".
*Aimlessly walks around detective office so the music keeps playing*
"Arise Within You" was really good too, on par with the boss theme "Plosive Attack". I still remember fighting the mutated alligator in the sewers. That first boss was really memorable! I doubt many people got to new game + (a feature sorely lacking in today's games), and finished the 90 floor Chrysler (sp?) Building and the secret boss that resides at the top. I will not spoil it, but if you wanna know private message me.
White_Howler said:Also, that theme doesn't play in the police station lol! But I know which one that is and it IS quite relaxing.
Nah, I'll pass on the spoiler.. I've played the game before, but that was like 13 years ago.So I've been going at it again on my PSP with some amnesia.
I haven't picked it up again in awhile, but I was last stuck in the part where the police station gets attacked by the monsters (it's still early in the game) and I keep getting my butt whipped in these battles. It's frustrating lol.
It doesn't? Gosh, it sure sounds like the one that does.. unless it's an alternate version. Hm..
Also, have you ever tried out The 3rd Birthday? It features some newly composed tracks but also a lot of remixed tracks from Parasite Eve 1 & 2.
The Sovngarde theme from Skyrim.
First time walking into Sovngarde and that theme hit the speakers, I felt like I was getting ready to have a meeting with the devil. Pity they resorted to using the regular dragon battle theme for the Alduin fight, instead of something more epic.