Hmm...what's something else that I hate...? Oh! Family Guy. That show can go f*ck itself. It'll have a funny moment sometimes, but that doesn't even come close to making up for all the bullsh*t in the show. They steal whole story lines for episodes from The Simpsons and South Park. Here are two prime examples: Homer becomes Death in The Simpsons, and Peter becomes Death in Family Guy. Wal-Mart came to South Park and drove every business out of town in South Park, and a generic warehouse store came to town and drove every business out of town in Family Guy. They also make certain things drag on and on in their show, sometimes for even a full minute or two, and try to pass it off as a joke. They only do this because they're too f*cking stupid to think of some actual plot progression, and they need to fill that time with something.