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Whats Rocked And Sucked?

Rocked: coffee machine. Is very nice. Could prove my downfall if I keep buying the little pods you use to make chococino with...

Sucked: Alan Carr tour dates postponed until next year, can't go to Liverpool (my favourite UK city) because the YHA has no spaces and I have run out of crisps. Which borders on traumatic for me.
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  • No work tomorrow
  • Kids seem to be enjoying school
  • More companies have started revealing their 3000 series cards and the prices

  • Still deaf in 1 ear and the specialist wanted to refer me to hospital but who knows how long that will take. So I am booked into a paid clinic next week to see if I can get it sorted but means it will have been nearly 4 weeks by the time it’s likely to get sorted.
  • Another thing to have to pay for on top of School uniforms, shoes, dance outfits, suits for college, dance classes, stage school, yearly bus pass and what seems like a million other bills. o_O
Rocked:Had a pretty good day at work. No managers to harass or talk crap to us. Sucked: I got a hangnail...and dear lord it hurts... :(
  • The Boys Season 2 came out yesterday
  • Managed to get a little time to play some more Shadow of War
  • More 3rd party manufacturers are starting to reveal their 3000 series cards and specs/prices
  • Why only release the first 3 episodes of The Boys!?... I want more...
  • Still deaf in 1 ear
  • Weather is pretty dull lately and not looking forward to dark mornings coming back
  • Spent sooo much money lately already and new GFX card is going to cost nearly £700. :cautious:
Rocked: normality slowly becoming a thing again after months of weirdness.

Sucked: good grief the weight gain has been crazy. Going to take forever to lose the Lockdown Blubber
Rocked: snagged my preorder for the new Xbox - middle child will be very pleased!

Sucked: idiots who have potentially ruined Christmas by ignoring all guidance on covid. Yes, you who crowded the beaches and parks in August, you who thought a holiday abroad was "essential travel" and you who has zero idea of what mask etiquette is. Well done. You've potentially mullered everything for everyone again. *slow clap*
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  • Made enough cash selling unwanted items on eBay to fund all of my PC upgrades and a little more.
  • Could possibly be getting a bonus at work if I keep hitting my targets.
  • Managed to be one of the few whose order went through for a GTX 3080.
  • May have to wait for some time until I actually get my hands on my GTX 3080 order.
  • Running out of stock of a few items which may lessen my chances of hitting my targets & getting said bonus.
  • The whole GTX 3080 launch was a complete disaster.
  • Lockdown 2.0 could be pending.
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1. Grabbed Xbox Series S and will upgrade to the X in the future. I was leaning towards it due to not having a 4K TV and the lack of disc drive is a positive until the little’n is older as she likes to open the disk drive of my current Xbox One.

2. Managed to organise a playdate for ze child before the rumoured lockdown sequel comes out...


1. Back hurts, slept like crap. Knees weak, arms are heavy. Mom’s spaghetti.
  • On 3rd week of 4 of my target and off to a good start.
  • Every day that passes could be a step closer to my GTX 3080 arriving
  • My step son has just told me he wants to get into PC Gaming
  • Stock levels might affect me hitting targets.
  • No sign of any stocks in any retailers at the moment.
  • I have just sold most of my PC Components that he could have used and now going to have to buy more... :confused:
Rocked: Birthday dinner for a friend and spa day with another are, so far, unaffected by latest covid rules

Sucked: my phone's predictive text suggests Covid and Coronavirus more readily than any other words. Sign of the times...
  • Kids are doing really well at school and step son is enjoying college.
  • Some really good games coming soon and older titles have been receiving some really good updates.
  • Managed to finish a couple of games recently (rare I get to finish one).
  • Big title being teased for Game Pass soon.
  • Still no sign of my GTX 3080 yet.
  • Seems all tech this year is going to be hard to get hold of, GFX Cards, consoles etc are all limited stock everywhere.
  • More Coronavirus restrictions coming into place and generally the world is going to hell in a hand basket lately.
Rocked : new boiler being fitted as I type so winter should pass unremarkably from a heating point of view at least. Got told I don't look old enough to have a 19 year old daughter and also not old in general. So what if they're sucking up to me? At my age you take the compliments regardless.

Sucked: house full of workmen fitting said new boiler - the noise is crazy... Plus a guy from church has died. Jake was very fond of him and I really don't want to have that conversation about it later.
  • 1 week left of target hitting and should hopefully get my bonus.
  • Fingers crossed this week I should get more news on status of my GTX 3080.
  • The days of going to work in dark and coming home in the dark are looming.
  • Chance my GTX 3080 might not be shipped in the next wave but im hopeful.
  • MOT for car is coming up in next 2 months which will be right before my youngests birthday and Christmas.
  • Still on target this week for the bonus.
  • Managed to start getting through Boardwalk Empire (watched until start of Season 4 and then hadnt seen anything since).
  • Managed to finally figure out why HDMI wasnt working on my GPU/Monitor.
  • Fixing the HDMI issue was easy and I have put up with an inferior cable and poorer quality for over 5 years when I could have fixed it far sooner.
  • Looks like my new GPU delivery has been delayed again, so could be waiting 1-2 more weeks at least.
  • My mum has had her annual injury and broken her arm falling down some steps.
  • Step Son has lost his air pods.
  • Car MOT is creeping up.
  • My workplace booked me in for a Flu Vaccination on Friday and the Pharmacy claim they have no record of it on the system despite me having a booking reference confirmation and time slot and said they dont offer them in that time slot.
Rocked: I finally quit my retail job! After 12 years I got my soul back! I feel human again!!! I can actually smile and mean it! Sucked:The pay is low(for now) and I gotta work with a few toxic/immature co workers.
Rocked: Bubble and squeak. With melted cheese on the top. Fo' rlz, ppl need to eatz this every day

Sucked: My back is killing me - like, all over ouchie. Think I need a hot bath or a month at a spa...

1. Having a rare glass of wine while playing some Xbox with Scoots.
2. Bought a new TV. Had to. See “Sucked”


1. Kid pushed over the rocking chair into the TV, breaking it. Have a toddler they said, it’ll fun they said...
2. Can’t find my receipt for said toddler. :ROFL:
Who in the heck ever said that??

Toddlers are the worst. They're right up there with babies, small children, pre-teens, teenagers and "young people".

And wasps.
I agree with everything you said there except the part about babies. The baby stage is the easiest. Atleast it was for me. Apart from the normal lack of sleep and occasional crying fit over nothing.

When they’re babies they eat everything you give them, they look at you lovingly all the time and when you leave them somewhere they are there when you come back.

This all changes when they get on the move and decide all of a sudden they hate to eat everything they previously loved. And that look of love? Is replaced with a look of mischief when they continue to do the exact thing you just told them not to do.

And yet you’d still take a bullet for them and look at them with unconditional love when they sleep. Though usually praying they don’t wake up at the same time. :ROFL:
  • Got my bonus at work
  • The bed we ordered nearly 3 months ago should finally arrive this week
  • Booked to take the kids to the cinema yesterday and was going to be my youngests first cinema experience. Only to find out when we got there that it was closed due to technical difficulties and nothing was being shown all day.
  • My GFX Card delivery has been delayed yet again and now likely wont be shipped until early next week