The last guy didn't end up so well when it went all the way.. wonder what happened to him.
The last guy didn't end up so well when it went all the way.. wonder what happened to him.
Are all the the NPCs on-screen in the battlefield just complete copies or are they each individually different in design?
Any plans on giving those companions some depth, such as talking to them, learning things, giving commands, etc.. or will they just be protective shadows?
It sounds like the software has trouble with simply moving all those pixels all at once on screen. I remember SNES & Genesis shoot 'em up games like Thunder Force had major lag when there were too many things on screen at once.
First of all welcome to the forums, i seem to have missed your welcome thread, for that i apologise.
Second of all, this looks like a fun ass game.... I can't wait to see the finished product and i shall definitly be following this thread and offering assistance in any way i can.
How i will i offer this assistance? Well you wanted peoples PC Specs who wanted to play the game... so.
Motherboard: Asus m5a99x Evo
Ram: 12GB Kingston Hyper-X Genesis Ddr3 ram @1600mhz
GPU: 1GB MSI Gtx 560ti
Processor: AMD Phenom II 965 @3.6Ghz (overclocked it a bit)
So on that note, keep up the good work!
Ah a fellow overclocker... we shall talk soon...
Oh sorry i also forgot to mention, i have increased the clocks on my GPU also. From the stock 900Mhz core to 950Mhz core.
I edited my post to reflect what I was thinking when I read your specs xD
But yea, I've got my CPU and GPU clocked up a bit.
But seriously. Way to make my gaming pc look like a piece of s*** :'(
If I was to build the game to run on your specs, I wouldn't have any f***ing limits :|
Nice, I like the sound of that system.I made a neat little script that allows your player attributes/equipment/skills to dictate the attributes/skills of each soldier in your party differently.
Many other characters in the game will have depth and dialogue, such as the elderly military commander that you eventually befriend, who will then appoint you as the leader of his army that you will lead into battle at the end of the game. Unfortunately, although I'd like to, it's hard to give every soldier depth and dialogue due to the apparent limitations of the engine I've chose to work with. But the other game makers out there didn't offer the same low level freedom, such as custom scripts and direct engine controls. And I was NOT going to write another game engine from scratch. Once was enough. F*** that![]()
DieselFuelOnly said:Before I get into this lengthly post, if I haven't clarified this already: The development process is going to take quite a while, because I plan on doing it right and possibly getting slightly recognized in the indie developer community. However, I'll release several demos here exclusively during the development process. And of course, the final release will be freeNOTE: to play it you'll need to install the .NET framework 3.5 from here. And DirectX 8.1, if you don't already have it, from here. (don't worry, it won't get rid of any newer directx versions)
Well I have 2 computers I use for right now.. My laptop and my gaming desktop (which is hooked up to my HDTV). My gaming rig can run everything at max, but my laptop while it does have some pretty nice specs.. isn't ideal for any real gaming.DieselFuelOnly said:So it seems the performance is hindered directly by your machine itself... Of course... So I need to start developing with everyone's pc specs in mind, and find a good medium. So if everybody interested in playing the game could share their processor, graphics card/chipset, and ram, I would highly appreciate it ^_^
DieselFuelOnly said:Sorry for the long ass post, I get compulsive about whether or not I've said enough sometimes... And once agaain, I thank everybody so much for taking the time to read my long posts, share ideas, give crit, and assist in the development of this little project. Gikoku in particular has been incredibly helpful in getting my mind working in different areas and helping me to see the project from the player's view. You have no idea how much I appreciate it![]()
Sorry for late response, kept getting side-tracked with a lot of things.
Nice, I like the sound of that system.
Pity about every NPC not being deep. Will there be any chances for consequences in the game? Like say for example, I do something in the game to somebody else and it goes against what my companions stand for. Will they turn on me? Engage me in dialogue and scold me? Or anything of that nature?
Sweet, was hoping you'd release some demos. Got an ETA on when the first demo might drop?
Here's my laptop specs though:
CPU: i5 M 480 2.67GHz, Dual-Core.
GPU: Intel(R) HD Graphics (1 GB)
Oh they'll turn on you... I accidentally smacked one of the soldiers during the battle and they all flocked towards me and.. it wasn't pretty.
Partial playable demo: a week or two
The rest is entirely up to you guys. I have a lot of things I should really have tested on other computers, and if you guys wanna test some stuff for me, I can upload single-map feature test demos to mediafire almost nightly... Let me know.
Interesting... Intel(R) HD Graphics chipsets have issues with certain directx 8 sprite formats(no offense obviously), you could be my test bed for some effects.
Oh they'll turn on you... I accidentally smacked one of the soldiers during the battle and they all flocked towards me and.. it wasn't pretty.
The rest is entirely up to you guys. I have a lot of things I should really have tested on other computers, and if you guys wanna test some stuff for me, I can upload single-map feature test demos to mediafire almost nightly... Let me know.
Ohhhh that sounds very cool.
That sounds good if you feel like doing that, i'de be more than willing to play throguth them every night and upload the FPS logs on a spreadsheet for you.
Is that with the light coming from the centre of the picture. If so good jobPlaying around with shadows:
Is that with the light coming from the centre of the picture. If so good job![]()
I say they need a bit more of a gradient though, lighter to darker.![]()
Yes, there is a point light right in the center
Here's a screenie that shows the entire area, although they still look pretty... I don't know... Is "sharp" the word?
Reminds me of Shining Force, which is a good thing. Unless you happen to hate the game and then it's a bad thing.It looks great, reminds me of... something... not sure what, but something, so that's good, I think...