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WIP: Unnamed 2D RPG


Pardon cheez while he gets classy
Feb 3, 2012
Well I thought I'd start a thread about the RPG I'm making. Not much done on this project so far, just some regions. Go ahead and take a look. C&C is very welcome as I suck at region layout :)



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Looks nice. The regions look a bit simple right now. Is there anything you can add to them, to give them some more variety? Maybe a statue or a something? This is just looking at empty maps right now, and I'm sure it'll look better with some NPC's in them.
Absolutely :) Right now I'm just kinda laying out the regions to give me a world to build a story in. As far as empty, I agree. I have shrubs, npc's, trees, animated water and the like. I'll get some screenshots up today :)

And here they are...

Town unfinished, undecorated:

Town unfinished, partially decorated:
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This is actually really cool, I don't know a thing about programming so I'm rather envious. Like White Knight mentioned, the layouts look nice already, throwing in some NPCs, decor, maybe some treasure chests (cliche i know), and it'd definitley fill the emptiness you got going on.

If you know how, you could have some small little birds that occasionally fly overhead across the screen when outdoors in the daylight. Have you thought on what the combat will be like in this game?
This is actually really cool, I don't know a thing about programming so I'm rather envious. Like White Knight mentioned, the layouts look nice already, throwing in some NPCs, decor, maybe some treasure chests (cliche i know), and it'd definitley fill the emptiness you got going on.

If you know how, you could have some small little birds that occasionally fly overhead across the screen when outdoors in the daylight. Have you thought on what the combat will be like in this game?

Thanks for the encouragement guys :) To answer a few questions:

Combat: My main inspiration would be Fable, of course, but I'll be throwing a twist into it. example: You engage an undead guy, he hits you and you lose a portion of health. Upon killing him you gain a small amount of health back, but not enough that you can stay alive by killing stuff.

As far as wildlife, sure :) I planned on having deer and the like walking around in the forests every now and then. Which can be killed and skinned and their meat can be used for health. But to Gikoku's suggestion, yes, birds can be added :)
Ah awesome, so you'll be able to move around freely while in combat then? I'd imagine you'd have a battle take place in its own space (a la Final Fantasy)? Cause it looks like it'd probably be a bit cramped fighting in that forest with wildlife running around all at the same time.
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I thought I'd show everyone the entire editor interface. Really the only thing you gotta learn is scripting and a LITTLE bit of code. The scripting can be a real prick at times though.


By dieselfuelonly at 2012-02-06
Ah awesome, so you'll be able to move around freely while in combat then? I'd imagine you'd have a battle take place in its own space (a la Final Fantasy)? Cause it looks like it'd probably be a bit cramped fighting in that forest with wildlife running around all at the same time.

The combat will be fully free form, not turn based ;)

Well, the battles take place in the bigger environments, like bandit towns and such (which are so big they lag my computer, but don't worry, they'll be lag free after being properly compiled). The environments I've shown so far are the smaller "transitional" and "pit stop" regions.

In the bigger areas, where battles will take place, you'll have a lot of open space to move around in. I'll get a picture of one of those areas up very soon :)
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Lovin' that bird, but I'm thinking what if you had it fly across the screen from one end to the other.. then it disappears, then it flies over again in the opposite direction, and you randomize that pattern. Sometimes have one bird, two, or more from time to time.

Also, it might be just me, but I'd say the character models don't seem to fit well with the environment's art style (unless they're just placeholders).
Lovin' that bird, but I'm thinking what if you had it fly across the screen from one end to the other.. then it disappears, then it flies over again in the opposite direction, and you randomize that pattern. Sometimes have one bird, two, or more from time to time.

Also, it might be just me, but I'd say the character models don't seem to fit well with the environment's art style (unless they're just placeholders).

Well since I've become kind of attached to him, the goblin npc is prolly gonna stay, but I'll have him pop out of a cave when you hit a trigger zone... Coupled with a good sound, it might make for a good "WHOA. *starts slashing about at him*" moment.

As for the bird, I tested my bird path about ten minutes ago and it looked like the bird got drunk, tied bottle rockets to his ass, and thought it would be funny. So yes, the bird will have more of a random path each time you see it, and he might bring friends now and then.

Anyway, which character's are you referring to? The humans? They're included in the core art set, and I don't wanna have to create whole new character sheets. The Creepy Thing? That actually is just a placeholder, I'm working on a character sheet for how I envisioned it, but I suck arse in that department as I have to do the front of the character, right side, left side, and rear. What the hell do you want from me?

Just kidding :lol:

But all jokes aside, I was hoping somebody would take interest and give honest opinions on things. The ideas, creativity, and technical stuff I'm good at. Bringing it all together to make sense, not so much... I highly appreciate the interest and CC, it's been a big help so far and at this rate you're already in the credits as "creative director" (serious about that).

Keep the ideas coming ^_^
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I'm famous now! I've always been attracted to the total chibi-style of characters from the JRPGs back in the day, a la SNES sprites.

But of course with more detail so they blend in with the environment. Have you thought about any music for the game? I feel a game like this would best benefit from 16-bit audio, 8-bit might be a bit too out of place in my opinion.
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I'm famous now! I've always been attracted to the total chibi-style of characters from the JRPGs back in the day, a la SNES sprites.

But of course with more detail so they blend in with the environment. Have you thought about any music for the game? I feel a game like this would best benefit from 16-bit audio, 8-bit might be a bit too out of place in my opinion.

Quite frankly I was disappointed when your sentence didn't go "I'm famous now! I've always been attracted to the delusional game developer type :wub:"

Oh well...

No seriously, I have a thing for that character style too, but now that you mention it, I could open up the pre-made characters and add a bit of detail myself... hmm yes...

And before I answer your question about music, let me just make it clear that I crank the Fable 1 soundtrack while I work on this project, so my first choice could land me in front of a judge so... We won't do that, but I do agree that 8-bit wouldn't fit quite right. 16-bit is the ticket ^_^ However... I have no idea what the hell I'm doing when it comes to 16-bit. I've done a lot of creepy ass stuff by editing and mixing things into the menu loop from System Shock 2... But 16-bit is new to me. So unless I'm able to find some decent free stuff on the internet, people are gonna end up entering Hardwood and hearing "What you're about to hear... Is very disturbing indeeeeioasadfsergssdfv*DEMONIC SOUNDS*oawh3pirhe...
I'll make it up to you, I do love the delusional game developer type.

Looking forward to seeing how your character edits turn out. Sadly, I'm not sure where you'll be able to find some strictly 16-bit music for free, but you might do pretty well to give www.archive.org a try, which has free everything (legal of course) so you might be able to find what you're looking for there.
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I'll make it up to you, I do love the delusional game developer type.

Looking forward to seeing how your character edits turn out. Sadly, I'm not sure where you'll be able to find some strictly 16-bit music for free, but you might do pretty well to give www.archive.org a try, which has free everything (legal of course) so you might be able to find what you're looking for there.

Thanks I'll give it a look ^_^

By the way, I opened Hardwood up to edit the bird script/path/whatnot... And I catch a villager doing something horrible to our bird.

(I seriously have no idea what happened. But I'll fix it.)


By dieselfuelonly at 2012-02-08
... This is the stuff of nightmares, what is he doing to my bird??