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Playing Morrowind for first time soon.


i7 gtx 3080
Premium Legend
Oct 24, 2006
Ordered it online a while ago. This is the best RPG of the decade some would say, and I have never played it. I have heard horror stories and worshipful praise of this game. I got Sick of Skyrim, it was so dumbed down, so I started playing Oblivion again, I realized people were saying the same things when Oblivion came out. I have never been more excited to play a game before. I feel like I've discovered an ancient treasure.

I play alot of indie games so graphics don't bother me, I'm looking for a true challenge so I won't ragequit when I die, and the fact that Npc's don't have full vioce acting makes me realize they will probably have so much more to say. Plus Dark Elves are my favorite race in the series.

Have you ever played? What was your experience like?
The combat is... horrid.
That's about everything constructive I can say.
I've watched some beginners guides, if you have 25 blade then you have a 25% chance of hitting your enemy XD. I like it, it might raise magical abilities to their rightful status.

Also the fact that I can were clothes and Armour and mix and match, such a simple concept.

No fast traveling or map markers, no one to hold my hand, I like it :)

The only thing I'm worried about is that this was the last of the series made for the Pc, so words might be incredibly small, but I'll be playing on the living room tv so hopefully that won't be an issue.
The first Elderscrolls game i ever played was Morrowind, fell in love with it.
Oblivion came out and blew my mind - made Morrowind unplayable (fast travel, blocking and no more missing)
Skyrim took some getting use to but now that save file is my baby - Oblivion now unplayable

i go through this every time a new elcerscrolls is announced
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I love the things they improve upon, mostly combat, which they have basically perfected in Skyrim. But I felt that they didn't take any big steps forward this time around, when Oblivion came out it was expansive. I just want to get in contact with that true role player in me.
Cliff Racers.

Cliff Racers everywhere.
Lol, that was one of the original reasons I never played Morrowind, I only found out about it when I got Oblivion, my friend showed me it and the orange brown landscapes, and funny creatures stopped me from trying.
I played it after Oblivion & as hard as I tried the combat was just a pain as you always miss if stats arent good enough. Everything is stat based so no matter how much it looks like your sword is connecting if your skill isnt high enough you wont hit anything with anything. Also really hard to have to cycle through thousands of lines of text in conversations after being used to hearing voices. Also some things might to have seemed to have been dumbed down in Skyrim but they have perfected lots of things that annoyed me in previous games. Im going to have played Skyrim the most out of them all by the time I stop playing however I did put A LOT of hours into Oblivion. Im about 155 hours into Skyrim & have lots of sidequests left to do on my first playthrough so a second playthrough is going to be around the same too.
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I played it after Oblivion & as hard as I tried the combat was just a pain as you always miss if stats arent good enough. Everything is stat based so no matter how much it looks like your sword is connecting if your skill isnt high enough you wont hit anything with anything. Also really hard to have to cycle through thousands of lines of text in conversations after being used to hearing voices. Also some things might to have seemed to have been dumbed down in Skyrim but they have perfected lots of things that annoyed me in previous games. Im going to have played Skyrim the most out of them all by the time I stop playing however I did put A LOT of hours into Oblivion. Im about 155 hours into Skyrim & have lots of sidequests left to do on my first playthrough so a second playthrough is going to be around the same too.
For me it is just the context of the game Skyrim that I can't stand. I give it a 9/10 don't get me wrong. Oblivion in its design was a hub for all races. In Skyrim it encourages you to be a buff blonde nord with a war axe, I like battle mage guys so if you weren't a Nord Juggernaut roleplaying got a little hard. In Oblivion being racist was fun, there goes another gay wood elf or a filthy thieving argonian. But in Skyrim it was just alittle to close to home I guess, I remember I was in Whiterun and I watched some redguards get kicked out of town and I had a sinking feeling from it. I was going to get Dragonborn and thought that that was more like it but I realized why not get Morrowind then. I want to play it because it is the complete opposite of Skyrim in an rpg sense.
I recent bought Skyrim (god damn Microsoft and their end of year Xbox deals) and while I like it, it's not the holy grail of gaming every was making it sound like.

I should probably just stop listening to hype.

/pot meet kettle
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I've seen so many people claim it as the greatest TES game, but they're either terribly biased or forgot to remove their nostalgia goggles. Like Roty & Andy have mentioned the combat in Morrowind is atrocious, as such I've yet to make it all the way through the game. Everything else is great though especially the environments, but the combat makes it really hard for me to enjoy it fully... though it could be worse.. could've been the combat of TES: Arena, what a nightmare that was.

From what I remember Apothyc, you play Skyrim on the Xbox. But the full potential of those games are never realized on a console.. especially Skyrim where on the PC a lot of your issues are remedied thanks to the modding communities. I'd say it's worth giving another try for the PC version, Oblivion too if you haven't already.
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You just be hatin' on us Nords.

lmao YES! But that's the point I'm making, if you don't want to be a buff blonde Nord guy...Skyrim isn't for you.
I've seen so many people claim it as the greatest TES game, but they're either terribly biased or forgot to remove their nostalgia goggles. Like Roty & Andy have mentioned the combat in Morrowind is atrocious, as such I've yet to make it all the way through the game. Everything else is great though especially the environments, but the combat makes it really hard for me to enjoy it fully... though it could be worse.. could've been the combat of TES: Arena, what a nightmare that was.

From what I remember Apothyc, you play Skyrim on the Xbox. But the full potential of those games are never realized on a console.. especially Skyrim where on the PC a lot of your issues are remedied thanks to the modding communities. I'd say it's worth giving another try for the PC version, Oblivion too if you haven't already.
You make such a good point, Pc trumps all other consoles no debate about it. The modding community has become an entire aspect of the game itself, and without access to it you're missing out on 80% of the game.

I played Oblivion for Pc, I remember making an army of midget blue men

I got Morrowind today and have been playing it and I haven't gotten very far but I am having the time of my life. NPC's actually have opinions of you and they say things that matter and are helpful, talking is actually important. Combat is whacky, missing most attacks makes it hard to level up. I never thought I'd say this but I'm easily pleased by this game.
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I know what you mean about playing other races in Skyrim, in Cyrodiil it was all multicultural and the possibilies felt endless. But in Skyrim if you play anyone but a nord you feel so out of place. First theres the Dragonborn thing, it doesn't feel right running around as an altmer/argonian screaming dragonshouts or even being Skyrims hero, then theres the charming local which really goes out of the way to make outsiders feel welcome..."Oi you! Lizard man!" *gets hit on the forehead with a stale sweetrole "Skyrim for the Nords!" Yeah *rubs head* fantastic hospitality and significance for non-nords, makes you feel right at home here.
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I also own Morrowind because a friend gifted it to me because she had an extra code.

I got to my first combat instance and was like "WHY CAN'T I CONNECT A GOD DAMN HIT?!", died, gave up, never tried again.
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I also own Morrowind because a friend gifted it to me because she had an extra code.

I got to my first combat instance and was like "WHY CAN'T I CONNECT A GOD DAMN HIT?!", died, gave up, never tried again.
The combat doesn't anger me, I play it on the 360, I downloaded an update to format it to the system, loading screens are faster than Oblivion's..the only exception is when you die, it takes so longggg, so I save every other 5 minutes.
The first Elderscrolls game i ever played was Morrowind, fell in love with it.
Oblivion came out and blew my mind - made Morrowind unplayable (fast travel, blocking and no more missing)
Skyrim took some getting use to but now that save file is my baby - Oblivion now unplayable

i go through this every time a new elcerscrolls is announced
Why is it the circle of life if Lions are at the top of the food chain?