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  • Hello, stranger. The other day, I saved a file. Since I am lazy, I slammed on my keyboard to name the file instead of taking the second and a half to give my file a proper name. The random keys I hit came out as "Tsuyu". I just checked to be sure. Thought you might be interested in hearing that.
    Hey tsuyu my RP is dying and I want to see if any of the new members want to join. Is it ok if I post a thread with a link to the sign up thread and the RP thread in bowerstone sout tavern. Its just there it will get attention and anybody who really wants to play it can find it more easily.
    Seems to happen a lot on console games lately. They really need to start offering dedicated servers for them.
    IGN rated it quite highly and they are well known for their harsh review scores. I did see Gamespot gave it 5.5/10 and put it down a lot. Thats why ive been asking gamers opinions of it and people who were fans of the original because surely they will know better than anyone if its any good. Yeah the fans wanted them like the original but next generation updated so how reviewers can say thats a bad thing i dont know.
    Sounds like the titles of old, i dont think i ever completed them either. :lol:

    I think im going to pick it up soon.
    How are you finding AVP so far? Been meaning to buy it but havent played the demo and been completing Mass Effect 2 and Bioshock 2. Just wondered what your thoughts were on the game and how does it compare to the classics of old?
    earth defence 2017 is an awesome game aint it? lol havent played that in a long time
    I do loveth the snow - we've had a tiny bit more over here but it's just slippy, not nice and crunchy. Black ice and high heeled boots do not go very well together, unfortunately.
    I was happy with the original I was just wondering, haha. But yes it is quite fine.
    How much longer are you going to have titties slamming on a man's head? Don't get me wrong I like it, but you could probably find something even better ;)
    Well it's true ;) none of you would care but all of you are acting like you're some good person and you care about their lives, but truly you just don't care.
    Thank you so much, wise overlord. I'll get onto that as soon as I can be arsed.

    EDIT: Wait, that sounded somewhat sarcastic. It wasn't meant to be, I'm genuinely thankful.
    Hpw the hell do you read the text on this page?

    Anyway, I've recently become interested in the works of H.P. Lovecraft - well at least my interest has passed the point where I would not consider it a waste of time to sit down and read one of his novels. I did a brief wikipedia scan on the Cthulu mythos and it intrigued me. Since you are heavily into this stuff, I was wondering if you could point me to a particular book I should read first. I don't want to do too much research on the subject lest I accidentally reveal a spoiler or something.

    Lots of love,

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