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9/11, The New World Order, and the American Government

You normally come across as a bigoted, dogmatic hillbilly.

Since this would be a sociological shift, I'll use the sociological definition. Authority is the right to use power or influence over something else. So no, America has NO authority over the rest of the world and creating a New World Order.
George W. Bush.
this is also in response to some of the things you said in the other (now locked) thread.

i'm all for having a laugh about the US' shortcomings, but there's a point where i start feeling like there's an inherent racism coming from you all. and this isn't the first time. ZJ (yeah, i'm mentioning your name) is probably one of the most prejudiced against the United States and it's citizens i've ever seen. shirosaki, you are starting to catch up fast. yeah, george bush was funny. he was gods gift to stand-up comedy. but it gets old when all i hear is "you guys suck, you had the bush presidents" or "all americans are fat, lazy, football loving, miller light drinking rednecks" or "stop thinking you're the world police and gtfo".
seriously, we don't have the smartest people living here. we have an election system where every candidate is a backwards lying cheat with a different economic philosophy. we're ****ed no matter how we vote, and you can't hold that against us as citizens. so why don't you mention some positives every once and a while. both us and YOU (UK) are the two best originators for rock music (Australia is in third). if you go back a couple hundred years, we're probably related! seriously, if you're just degrading the US to get at Sean then cut it out, because i'm starting to get irritable reading the same. old. insults.

we are FAR from perfect, and i'll be the first to admit it. we have a lot of stupid people, we have economic problems. so does everyone! yeah we have a lot of fat people, but so do you! so when i say that the only other country EVER to world police as bad, if not worse in the western world, than us is you, don't take offense and don't use that oh-so-ironic comeback of "oh here comes that old history accusation again." so yeah, i get you're not insulting me as a citizen, but i still live here.
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I have no authority over a school teacher, can I still cause a riot? Yes.
And you would therefore be seen as a delinquent and be looked down on by society because you had no authority to cause an illegal act. You defied the law which is by definition a big no no.

To outline my point, you have no authority to cause a riot although you may have the power to do so. What does that mean I anticipate your little brain thinking? Then let me explain.

You might have the power to start a riot, but not the right to do it. Same as if America attempted to start a New World Order, they might have the power (they wouldn't, but for argument's sake..) to make one, but they would have absolutely no authority (legitimate right) to do so and would most likely start World War III. All because the kid with the double-digit IQ thought it'd be funny to start a riot.

Now then, is your little brain happy that I've explained it?
George Bush? Yeah unlike his father, good ol W was a fail, so is Obama, and Clinton and Palin and McCain. You keep telling me stuff I already realize and recognize.
A country can be judged on its leader and previous leaders, and by the way it treats its people. Watch the documentary called Sicko. America is fail on both accounts.

However, it is also a very young and money-oriented country. There are many great qualities about it but I'm afraid people like you make everyone else see the bad ones. Too bad.

I like the USA as a whole and I'm in no way racist, just when I'm arguing with an American about America then it's hard not to put across anti-American ideas. I have no "beef" with any other countries, just some of the individual people who live there.

Tsuyu, I'm not of the times when the British Empire meant something so I couldn't comment.
I'm not of the times when the British Empire meant something so I couldn't comment.

fair enough. but you KNOW that if the UK was attacked, or if they started a struggle... probably the first country to support or send support would be us. i'm not saying you would or wouldn't need it in any way, but i don't think there's any country the US is stronger allies with than you guys.
fair enough. but you KNOW that if the UK was attacked, or if they started a struggle... probably the first country to support or send support would be us. i'm not saying you would or wouldn't need it in any way, but i don't think there's any country the US is stronger allies with than you guys.
I know, and I'm glad our countries have a special relationship.

My argument isn't with America (which would be stupid anyway because America is such a diverse, new and in so many ways good country - that and the fact that I don't think that I have any right to criticise another country other than my own only because it's where I live), but with Sean's views on his country.
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This authority discussion reminds me of a George Carlin quote:

"I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it."
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Wow Cheez, I was starting to think I was the only one who noticed.

Oh, Shirosaki, I can take a IQ Test if you want, since you think mine is only double-digits, Mr. Doggy.
"My argument isn't with America." = You're full of ****.

Just like I'm prejudice against Arabians, you're prejudice against Americans, don't even try and tell me you're not.
Wow Cheez, I was starting to think I was the only one who noticed.

Oh, Shirosaki, I can take a IQ Test if you want, since you think mine is only double-digits, Mr. Doggy.
"My argument isn't with America." = You're full of s***.

Just like I'm prejudice against Arabians, you're prejudice against Americans, don't even try and tell me you're not.
Sure I have certain prejudices, but I don't act on them. We all have prejudices. I don't hate America, and my argument isn't with it. My argument is with you and your views on said country.

A prejudice is a bias, most of the time because of a negative stereotype. In that sense I have no real prejudices against any countries, including America, Iraq or China (my ex-girlfriend is actually Chinese). I take people as people, not by the colour of skin or the country from which they hail - as best I can.

However, when I see someone in tracksuit bottoms walking towards me down the street at night with a hoody on I feel uneasy. In that way I have prejudice views - they could very well be a nice, pleasant person but because of they way I've been brought up and how society has labelled people who dress like this, I have a natural stereotype against them which means that I have prejudice views.

You have racially based prejudices and you're being active with it - making you a racist in some form or other.
Well Sean, since you've just admitted to being racist against Middle Eastern people, I really don't think you're allowed to comment on people seeming to be racist against Americans.
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This thread makes me lolwut :)

I guess I'll never get the whole "I hate America" "I hate the UK" "I hate pints of milk" thing people *have going on here. But then I've never been to America, or indeed most of the UK, so maybe that's why I'm so clearly uninformed.

Let's face it, Arseface lives in a magical land with anti-gravity boots, Hermit lives in a made-up country called "Liverpool", there are giant crocodiles in Maine which Sephi uses every morning to get to work, France was invented by some stoners in the 60's, Canada is secretly attempting to take over the world just as soon as they can make themselves a real country, Cheez is obviously just a walking, talking hamburger because there is no other type of American out there aside from those who marry their relatives in Alabama (and they can be identified by their eight hands and fourteen elbows) and anyone who even breathes the same air as a Muslim is hard-wired to blow up stuff. Not forgetting the Brits who are all on Christmas-card terms with the Royal Family and of course have the names of every single country they still believe they should own tattooed on their pasty pale butt cheeks.

Have I missed anything?
This thread makes me lolwut :)

I guess I'll never get the whole "I hate America" "I hate the UK" "I hate pints of milk" thing people *have going on here. But then I've never been to America, or indeed most of the UK, so maybe that's why I'm so clearly uninformed.

Let's face it, Arseface lives in a magical land with anti-gravity boots, Hermit lives in a made-up country called "Liverpool", there are giant crocodiles in Maine which Sephi uses every morning to get to work, France was invented by some stoners in the 60's, Canada is secretly attempting to take over the world just as soon as they can make themselves a real country, Cheez is obviously just a walking, talking hamburger because there is no other type of American out there aside from those who marry their relatives in Alabama (and they can be identified by their eight hands and fourteen elbows) and anyone who even breathes the same air as a Muslim is hard-wired to blow up stuff. Not forgetting the Brits who are all on Christmas-card terms with the Royal Family and of course have the names of every single country they still believe they should own tattooed on their pasty pale butt cheeks.

Have I missed anything?

I know EVERYTHING. Never forget that...
There was a show on the history channel a while back about a rumored "Fourth Reich".
All I want to say is I have a lot of pride in being American. I am an American Soldier. I've fought and still fight for my country. Do you really think WE want to be in Iraq? A lot of people complain that we're still there in the middle east, but seriously, how do you think us soldiers feel?

Yeah, I love only seeing my wife for four months a year, then getting deployed again. I love going to go fight wars that are already "over".

Anyway, please don't blame the soldiers, it's the higher ups that make mistakes, not the soldiers. We just follow orders.

With that said, I also want to point out that I doubt America will bw the one to start an NWO. America is 12 TRILLION dollars in debt and the fact that the American dollar is decreasing in value every few months isn't helping.
I haz one dollar in a tin upstairs.

Would that help?
This whole thread is like an unfunny version of Team America.

It's also an entertaining read if you're reading it on your phone on the bus at 7:30am (a time God never intended people to be up at).