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Ask The Staff 'Anything'

Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

Angel;170723 said:
Umm...what now? O.o

I may be crippled, short-sighted and on incredibly strong pills but paedophilia is not really my thing.

You're grounded. Now go to your room, young man, and think about what you've done! :lol:
you cant tell me what to do you.....you......wait im missing something what do you mean paedophilia isnt your thing.
  • firstly paedophilia isnt your thing? its everyones thing its....its just popular
  • secondly you make that sound as if your projectegos wife
oh my god i just got the big picture here. hooray chesse made from a crippled (no by crippled i dont mean you angel) old prunes breast for all
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

Tsuyu;170937 said:
Everyone's thing? I think not. At 11, perhaps, you are attracted to 11 year old females, but that does (hopefully) change, young 'un.
actually right now im attracted to 15 year old female yesterday it was 17;)
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

games master2;170935 said:
you cant tell me what to do you.....you......wait im missing something what do you mean paedophilia isnt your thing.
  • firstly paedophilia isnt your thing? its everyones thing its....its just popular
  • secondly you make that sound as if your projectegos wife
oh my god i just got the big picture here. hooray chesse made from a crippled (no by crippled i dont mean you angel) old prunes breast for all

She is married to Steve. And pedophilia is a sick, sick thing. This is one thing that I am not flexible on. Forget a religion, abortion, or gun arguement, pedophilia is 100% ****ed up.
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

one quick question i am working on some fan fiction about dragon ball af (the fact that it was never released always ticked me off:realmad: where would i go about posting this for it is in no means fable related i just want to see what you guys think about it i cant trust my school friends because draganball z,gt is way over so they make fun of me for thinking about it some times in fact it is kind of weird that i thought about the series all of a sudden (i wonder what triggered it hmmmmmmmm.......)
the question was quick the post was not lol

to repeat the question if you got lost:

i am working on some fan fiction about dragon ball af (the fact that it was never released always ticked me off where would i go about posting this for it is in no means fable related i just want to see what you guys think about it
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

poopgod350;173613 said:
one quick question i am working on some fan fiction about dragon ball af (the fact that it was never released always ticked me off:realmad: where would i go about posting this for it is in no means fable related i just want to see what you guys think about it i cant trust my school friends because draganball z,gt is way over so they make fun of me for thinking about it some times in fact it is kind of weird that i thought about the series all of a sudden (i wonder what triggered it hmmmmmmmm.......)
the question was quick the post was not lol

to repeat the question if you got lost:

i am working on some fan fiction about dragon ball af (the fact that it was never released always ticked me off where would i go about posting this for it is in no means fable related i just want to see what you guys think about it

Could put it in either the Art section or the general discussion.
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

Stick it Barrowfields section - it's what it's there for after all ;)
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

You are most welcome.

Side note - SKY's tv prices are criminal. Just had to say that.

Carry on....
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

Does anyone have ANY idea how many times people have posted

"^is awesome"

in the Person above you thread to me.:wacko:
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

How many posts or how many each individual has posted?
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

guestion to DD:why is dragon ballz so awesome also why does it hurt my privates when i go to a dentist:blush::lol:i dont no why im laughin:'(
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

games master2;174096 said:
guestion to DD:why is dragon ballz so awesome also why does it hurt my privates when i go to a dentist:blush::lol:i dont no why im laughin:'(

DBZ is awesome because it was written by the great Akira Toriyama. If your privates hurt when you go to the dentist then that dentist is either blind or your face isnt very flattering for him to confuse the 2.
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

The overall number of posts which say "^is awesome" under me.:)
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

To everyone: I know people who get high off of paint and makers. Is this just as bad as smoking weed? Does it kill brain cells? Once you start, can you stop?? I wanna know, I'm worried about a couple of good kids. :)
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

Triz;174174 said:
To everyone: I know people who get high off of paint and makers. Is this just as bad as smoking weed? Does it kill brain cells? Once you start, can you stop?? I wanna know, I'm worried about a couple of good kids. :)

Yes that still harms the brain and such. Much worse than weed actually if they are abusing those kind of solvents. It will more likely kill you than just your brain cells if it got to a certain stage.

FableFreak;174199 said:
Any of the staff like Cyanide & Happiness?

Some days they would go hand in hand. :lol: :P
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

Solvents are by far worse than Weed.

I do enjoy Cyanide and Happiness.