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Ask The Staff 'Anything'

Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

sooooooooooo..................how did you guys decide on making this and all the other forums...?
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

unknown Hero;170142 said:
sooooooooooo..................how did you guys decide on making this and all the other forums...?

How we came about making these forums i answered a long time ago in one of the old community spotlights. So i might as well post my answer from there and add some things to that.

Dark Drakan said:
Well we were thinking about an Oblivion site at first as a possibility and saw that it obviously had a massive following already from loads of huge communities and thought “well they are already established sites and we need to make a site that can compete”. Was also a DBZ site for a while and we even had the forums set up for that and all the content was created and everything until we changed our minds at the last minute, when we saw how few sites and fan forums there were for Fable and were shocked and Fable it was, we decided.

We were just trying to make a forum about something we were interested in that we knew would draw fans in, that we could make into a large community and make something of, and with so little competition at the time and with Fable 2 being made we thought it would be the perfect time to set a Fable site up.

The rest of the sites were created from either being in our favourite games list or games we thought deserved a large fanbase.
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

The other forums come from two angles - one is because we, and others we know, enjoy the games each forum is about and want to talk about it, make new friends etc etc

The other is pretty much monetary - Steve and I rely on the websites as our source of income. It's our job (well, Steve does the work and I spend the credit :D) and Steve has the whatever-you-call-it required to make each and every site do rather well in terms of monetizing them and getting them ranked at a decent level in the search engines.

A lot of extremely hard work and dedication goes into creating a successful forum - whilst you may not see Steve online all that much, I can personally guarantee that he spends an awful lot of time updating, upgrading and generally fixing this and that to make the sites even better. As an example, the Devil May Cry forums recently had an overhaul to reflect the release of the new game - Steve spent many many hours sorting that out, fixing bugs and doing the artwork.

Dark Drakan is the one who makes our boards live, essentially, in that he posts like a lunatic even when there is nothing really to say :lol: - he is always keeping the various sites updated with news, new threads and he sorts out the spammers, members with questions or technical difficulties both with the site and offsite. He deals with the difficult people on our behalf and works damn hard both on the sites and also holding down a full time job and full time drinking - it's a lot ;)

If we did not have the calibre of staff we have across all our boards, we'd be sunk, quite frankly. The same sentiment applies to those members who are dedicated to these boards and keep them going even during the dry times when there is nothing new to discuss and no one online to discuss it with.

/tangent styleeee
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

Angel;170194 said:
Dark Drakan is the one who makes our boards live, essentially, in that he posts like a lunatic even when there is nothing really to say :lol: - he is always keeping the various sites updated with news, new threads and he sorts out the spammers, members with questions or technical difficulties both with the site and offsite. He deals with the difficult people on our behalf and works damn hard both on the sites and also holding down a full time job and full time drinking - it's a lot ;)

Well thanks very much, compliments are always appreciated. :lol: :D

I enjoy what i do and not many jobs where i would admit to that, thats for damn sure. The experience ive gained over the years of running forums with Steve and the knowledge ive also obtained from it has been a great time for me too. The satisfaction i get when helping people out and bringing news to the sites that people want to hear about always makes it worthwhile. ^_^

Angel said:
If we did not have the calibre of staff we have across all our boards, we'd be sunk, quite frankly. The same sentiment applies to those members who are dedicated to these boards and keep them going even during the dry times when there is nothing new to discuss and no one online to discuss it with.

Very true again, the staff and the active constructive members deserve a lot of the praise too. The members are the people who keep the boards going and the content flooding in so we thank you all.
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

Dark Drakan;170214 said:
Well thanks very much, compliments are always appreciated. :lol: :D

I enjoy what i do and not many jobs where i would admit to that, thats for damn sure. The experience ive gained over the years of running forums with Steve and the knowledge ive also obtained from it has been a great time for me too. The satisfaction i get when helping people out and bringing news to the sites that people want to hear about always makes it worthwhile. ^_^

Very true again, the staff and the active constructive members deserve a lot of the praise too. The members are the people who keep the boards going and the content flooding in so we thank you all.
awwwww, that really shows that the bosses actually have love for their co-workers...i've never seen anything like that...:'( i might just cry...anyway how did yiou guys all meet each other?
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

unknown Hero;170283 said:
awwwww, that really shows that the bosses actually have love for their co-workers...i've never seen anything like that...:'( i might just cry...anyway how did yiou guys all meet each other?

Ive known Steve for the better part of 10 years, we met in school and i met Sharon when she met Steve and came to live in my town.
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

How much money do you guys make out of this site? If you'd rather not answer I wont hold it against you :lol:
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

Arseface;170393 said:
How much money do you guys make out of this site? If you'd rather not answer I wont hold it against you :lol:

Steve will have to answer that as i have no idea. :lol:

FableFreak;170398 said:
Is it okay to ask rhetorical questions?

Depends if you want a good answer.
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

Arseface;170393 said:
How much money do you guys make out of this site? If you'd rather not answer I wont hold it against you :lol:
Very, very little profit. The Google AdSense ads cover the costs of renting of the dedicated server and Kontera ContextAds (the little double-underlined text links) usually bring in around £50 every two to four months - nothing special at all but it means I can treat the missus to a nice gift or a meal out. The occasional Premium Subscription can help a little here and there but it certainly wouldn't do very well by itself. My WordPress Themes website brings in some nice cash but, again, dedicated server costs and general advertising really take a hammering on profit.

Not to mention renewing forum software, gallery software and whatever else might need upgrading. vBulletin only allows one full year of upgrades before they ask you to renew your subscription. It's unlikely the new version of vBulletin - v3.7 - will be released within the next fortnight and, if it isn't, it means I have to cough up another $90 so that this forum the Devil May Cry Forum and the Assassin's Creed Forum will be able to enjoy some of the new forum perks. Fortunately, the Mass Effect Forum still has plenty of time left before it needs renewing so I don't have to worry about renewing that license... yet. While $90 isn't really a whole lot of money, it all adds up, 'ya know!

My main income comes from two or three other ventures and are totally unrelated to websites and the 'net in general.

But, yeah, dedicated servers are expensive to rent. I wouldn't have a clue how to set one up either. My mate (and neighbour, Daz) has his own custom dedicated server - which is pretty sexy, if I do say so myself. If I had to rent another dedicated server then I would probably poo my pants.

Question to Tsuyu: When are you going to hurry up and buy Call of Duty 4 and Rainbow Six: Vegas 2? ^_^
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

Well when Sharon said that it was your job I was a bit shocked because I wouldn't have thought $2 from a handful of members, plus a few cents a click for some ads would bring in that much. :lol:
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

We make a lot more than a few cents from the ads. I can't specify exactly how much we make as it is against the Terms of Service but, suffice to say, it covers the dedicated server costs - and they aren't cheap. ;)
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

projectego;170529 said:
We make a lot more than a few cents from the ads. I can't specify exactly how much we make as it is against the Terms of Service but, suffice to say, it covers the dedicated server costs - and they aren't cheap. ;)

Well my dad put these Googles ads on his blogs and they were only a few cents a click. My bad:lol: