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Ask The Staff 'Anything'


Look at me still talking when theres science to do
Dec 28, 2006
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Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

And the whole "gun culture" you guys have over there doesn't help. You see guns as the difference between freedom and slavery. Us Aussies are just as free, and we don't have near the amount of gun violence as the US.


Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

Tsuyu;167914 said:
Your point? The guns you've got now are all freshly made, not some relics from the "plethora of weapons" you started out with during the Revolution, so that's a moot point.

The point I was going for was that guns were what freed our country from the British and they were important to us, they helped us hunt, fight the Native Americans, and eventually become what we are today. So they are something which is imbedded in our culture and hasn't left it... yet.

Arseface;167918 said:
And the whole "gun culture" you guys have over there doesn't help. You see guns as the difference between freedom and slavery. Us Aussies are just as free, and we don't have near the amount of gun violence as the US.

I never said without my guns I would be a slave, and whilst my signature may seem to be saying that I assure you its message behind it is entirely different. But when it comes to a point where the deciding fate of my life is a gun in another persons hand, the least I can ask for is a gun in my own.

I do ask one thing though, before you automatically think you know how we over here view our freedoms, please come visit us and ask around. Have you ever been to the US anyway?


Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

^well said
most have guns over here, becuz sometimes u get an idiot with a gun, and its better to have one 4 protection, than none at all. (good for deer huntin too... lol)


Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

Of course one cannot forget the hunting aspect of owning a firearm, its not like we just keep them to shoot on random occasions.


Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

I don't know man us here rednecks dwn in alabama have us a goooooood shootin every now n THEN!!!!! YYYYYYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHAAAAAWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! lol jk. Rednecks aren't all there made out to be, i am one. most of us don't even have much of an accent, you've gotta go left and a little south of us to get that (looks over at mid missisippi) lol


Look at me still talking when theres science to do
Dec 28, 2006
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Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

FableFreak;167920 said:
The point I was going for was that guns were what freed our country from the British and they were important to us, they helped us hunt, fight the Native Americans, and eventually become what we are today. So they are something which is imbedded in our culture and hasn't left it... yet.

We freed ourselves from the British peacefully. I don't know much about the American Revolution so can anyone tell me why it had to be war? I vaguely remember something about them having a monopoly on trade... But I'm probably way off...

FableFreak;167920 said:
I never said without my guns I would be a slave, and whilst my signature may seem to be saying that I assure you its message behind it is entirely different. But when it comes to a point where the deciding fate of my life is a gun in another persons hand, the least I can ask for is a gun in my own.

But if you didn't have guns in the first place then that other person wouldn't have a gun and you might actually have a chance.

FableFreak;167920 said:
I do ask one thing though, before you automatically think you know how we over here view our freedoms, please come visit us and ask around. Have you ever been to the US anyway?

I have never been to the US, I would ilke to though. But trust me we get enough of your television down here (too much, I think. Probably three times as much as every other nationality put together, including Aus). I also talk to enough Americans on the internet. I know thats not as good as actually going there, but I get a distinct (if warped by the media) view of your views.


Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

Arseface;167965 said:
We freed ourselves from the British peacefully. I don't know much about the American Revolution so can anyone tell me why it had to be war? I vaguely remember something about them having a monopoly on trade... But I'm probably way off...

But if you didn't have guns in the first place then that other person wouldn't have a gun and you might actually have a chance.

I have never been to the US, I would ilke to though. But trust me we get enough of your television down here (too much, I think. Probably three times as much as every other nationality put together, including Aus). I also talk to enough Americans on the internet. I know thats not as good as actually going there, but I get a distinct (if warped by the media) view of your views.

1. The Revolution was a culmination of a bunch of things. The Navigation Acts, the Western Frontier, Taxation without representation, the Stamp Act, the Townshend Act, and many other things. A lot of it was taxation on essential and non-essential things like paper, glass, and tea. There's more to it than that though.

2. Your point?

3. Don't trust just the views of people on the Web, sh*tty American television, and the media... I hate all of those things... damnit how I hate them.


is wearing Queen's lace panties.
Town Guard
Aug 19, 2006
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Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

FableFreak;167920 said:
The point I was going for was that guns were what freed our country from the British and they were important to us, they helped us hunt, fight the Native Americans, and eventually become what we are today. So they are something which is imbedded in our culture and hasn't left it... yet.

You are free now, and have been so for hundreds of years. It's time to take a look around and see all the bad things the right to bear arms brings.

I'm not saying you should ban guns, we have guns here too. But only for hunting and it is very hard to get a license to hunt and own a gun. Not so hard that I couldn't get one if I wanted, but a helluva lot harder than over in the States.


Well-Known Member
Town Guard
Jan 1, 1970
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Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

Question for the staff: What's the best thing - that you can remember - that has happened to you in your life? I'd be interested to hear what you guys say. I can see Sharon saying something like, "Getting an Xbox 360", or something. :p


Down with this sort of thing
Town Guard
Aug 13, 2006
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Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

FableFreak;167891 said:
Hijacking ftw!

Sorry staff... So, does the staff like pie?
I do. Very much so :)

projectego;167977 said:
Question for the staff: What's the best thing - that you can remember - that has happened to you in your life? I'd be interested to hear what you guys say. I can see Sharon saying something like, "Getting an Xbox 360", or something. :p
Getting an Xbox 360. Or something.

I'd say getting married and having Jessica - not in that order, obviously, or I'd be in prison right now :p


is wearing Queen's lace panties.
Town Guard
Aug 19, 2006
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Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

Angel;167986 said:
I'd say getting married and having Jessica - not in that order, obviously, or I'd be in prison right now :p

Interesting.... Interesting to say the least! o_O

Dark Drakan

Well-Known Member
Town Guard
Feb 6, 2006
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Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

projectego;167977 said:
Question for the staff: What's the best thing - that you can remember - that has happened to you in your life? I'd be interested to hear what you guys say. I can see Sharon saying something like, "Getting an Xbox 360", or something. :p

To be honest with you, i have no idea and nothing jumps straight out at me that i can think of that i could say was the best thing to happen to me right now.


Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

Tsuyu;167971 said:
You are free now, and have been so for hundreds of years. It's time to take a look around and see all the bad things the right to bear arms brings.

I'm not saying you should ban guns, we have guns here too. But only for hunting and it is very hard to get a license to hunt and own a gun. Not so hard that I couldn't get one if I wanted, but a helluva lot harder than over in the States.

Thats actually becoming a reality over here. There are many ludicrous gun bans happening, and I'm preparing for the worst.

But here is one thing I believe you are missing, the US Constitution is an immensely powerful thing over here, and to repeal the 2nd Amendment would not only be difficult but it would start an entire revolt. People like me would rise up and fight for the right we have stated in the Constitution, and more people would probably get killed if they HADN'T tried to do that. So I think it would be best to leave it how it is.


is wearing Queen's lace panties.
Town Guard
Aug 19, 2006
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Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

FableFreak;168072 said:
So I think it would be best to leave it how it is.

Yeah let's leave it at that. Gang violence, school shootings and various other gun related crimes which you guys have at extremely high rates compared to other parts of the world, are nothing to be concerned about, huh.

Also, the fact that you, and many more I take it by what you're saying, are willing to actually kill people for your right to bear arms... isn't that a big hint that this ludicrous "gun loving" has gone too far over there?


Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

Tsuyu;168073 said:
Yeah let's leave it at that. Gang violence, school shootings and various other gun related crimes are no big deal.

So what if it is a "big thing". It's old and out-dated. You need to update. Maybe we should've kept burning witches and all that stuff, too, because it was a "big thing".

Gang violence and other things won't end just because we outlaw firearms. Yes, gun violence will go down but other types of violence will go up. Say, why don't we outlaw cars? The US Bureau of Statistics found that more people have died because of car crashes than all of Americas wars combined. Cars have killed more people than gun violence in the States also. And I never said gun violence wasn't a big deal, just because I said we should leave it how it is does not mean I'm not concerned about those things. I live 20 minutes outside Oakland, California for goodness sake and you think I don't care about the things that go on there? But I doubt they have many ghetto's as bad as East LA or Oakland in Sweden, now do they Tsuyu?

Tsuyu, take Swizterland for example. They have the highest per capita gun ownership in Europe, and their government requires them to attend a shooting festival each year. Yet they have little crime, so this clearly means that more guns doesn't equal more crime.


is wearing Queen's lace panties.
Town Guard
Aug 19, 2006
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Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

FableFreak;168074 said:
But I doubt they have many ghetto's as bad as East LA or Oakland in Sweden, now do they Tsuyu?

Minus the guns it's equally bad, trust me. Not that I can see how it has anything to do with the topic at hand.

FableFreak;168074 said:
Tsuyu, take Swizterland for example. They have the highest per capita gun ownership in Europe, and their government requires them to attend a shooting festival each year. Yet they have little crime, so this clearly means that more guns doesn't equal more crime.

So? I never said it did equal more crime, but more murders by gunshot and other crimes related to guns. If you look at the statistics I am sure the States got a higher quota of gun related crimes than other parts of the world.
I never said that more guns=more crimes, but that the crimes that do occur are more violent and deadly due to the people involved having easier access to guns.

FableFreak;168074 said:
Gang violence and other things won't end just because we outlaw firearms. Yes, gun violence will go down but other types of violence will go up. Say, why don't we outlaw cars? The US Bureau of Statistics found that more people have died because of car crashes than all of Americas wars combined. Cars have killed more people than gun violence in the States also.

You can't compare a car accident to someone deliberately walking up to another person and putting a 9mm through his forehead.

Also, even if the other type of crimes went up, the ratio of crimes where the victim, or in some cases, the bad guy, end up dead would drop tremendously.

How many cases of muggings do you think end up with the death of the victim in the States compared to, let's say, Canada? Or Sweden? Or any other country?

Jack of Spades

Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

staff.. stupid question but how do you start a thread?.. im new...

Dark Drakan

Well-Known Member
Town Guard
Feb 6, 2006
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Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

Jack of Spades;169850 said:
staff.. stupid question but how do you start a thread?.. im new...

Simply go to whichever section you want to put the thread into and click the


Down with this sort of thing
Town Guard
Aug 13, 2006
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Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

But check that the thread you are about to start doesn't already exist first - use the search button.

Even if you do happen to make a thread which already exists, someone will gladly link you to it :)

Jack of Spades

Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

thanks drakan! thanks angel! now this is a thread thats useful... thanks alot you both