Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'
NOOOOO! Not the naughty corner, no, anything but that!
To reply to another, though, proboards URLs look like this--
[noparse][/noparse] Only with the warplanet11 replaced with whatever you enter as your username.
And invisionfree's look like this: [noparse][/noparse] Only with the Serium part changed.
Also, the numbers change on both of them. The s9 might be s6, or the proboards3 might be proboards31. It depends on what you get assigned when you make it. And these URLs are fine, they can just be hard to remember/enter right.
And no, you can't buy a URL and use it for proboards or invisionfree. I think.
(Note: Both of those are some of the message board RPGs I mentioned. Heat of War is dead because the only other guy who ever posted is doing his mandatory service in the Singaporean military; and Serium (that's its third iteration there, the first two were on proboards) is dead because everyone just stopped showing up.
Edit to note: Yeah, there's nothing on the Invisionfree one. I had forgotten. Awhile back, sometime around October of '06, one of the admins who was trying to keep it going deleted everything as the first step of a revitalization... and we never did anything else. By "we" I mean me and the two other guys who still showed up.)
Edit2: And I just noticed that it formatted itself. Let's see if I can rectify that.
EDIT3: Okay, I didn't get it to stop formatting itself, but I finally remembered the noparse thing. And I was able to erase the formatting around the Proboards, but it keeps coming back around Invisionfree. So just ignore all the brackets and equal signs and URLs.
EDIT4: Yay! In an enormous waste of time, I got it to work! Of course, when I hit "save" this time it'll go back to not working.
EDIT5: And also, I saw that Invisionfree lets you use your own domain name if you have one.
Tsuyu;174672 said:AND you get to sit in the naughty corner!
NOOOOO! Not the naughty corner, no, anything but that!
To reply to another, though, proboards URLs look like this--
[noparse][/noparse] Only with the warplanet11 replaced with whatever you enter as your username.
And invisionfree's look like this: [noparse][/noparse] Only with the Serium part changed.
Also, the numbers change on both of them. The s9 might be s6, or the proboards3 might be proboards31. It depends on what you get assigned when you make it. And these URLs are fine, they can just be hard to remember/enter right.
And no, you can't buy a URL and use it for proboards or invisionfree. I think.
(Note: Both of those are some of the message board RPGs I mentioned. Heat of War is dead because the only other guy who ever posted is doing his mandatory service in the Singaporean military; and Serium (that's its third iteration there, the first two were on proboards) is dead because everyone just stopped showing up.
Edit to note: Yeah, there's nothing on the Invisionfree one. I had forgotten. Awhile back, sometime around October of '06, one of the admins who was trying to keep it going deleted everything as the first step of a revitalization... and we never did anything else. By "we" I mean me and the two other guys who still showed up.)
Edit2: And I just noticed that it formatted itself. Let's see if I can rectify that.
EDIT3: Okay, I didn't get it to stop formatting itself, but I finally remembered the noparse thing. And I was able to erase the formatting around the Proboards, but it keeps coming back around Invisionfree. So just ignore all the brackets and equal signs and URLs.
EDIT4: Yay! In an enormous waste of time, I got it to work! Of course, when I hit "save" this time it'll go back to not working.
EDIT5: And also, I saw that Invisionfree lets you use your own domain name if you have one.