Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'
Yay I'm not in it!
(no I'm not psychic everybody knows I wont be in it.)
Yay I'm not in it!
(no I'm not psychic everybody knows I wont be in it.)
Trawgdor;337267 said:Does anyone want to play Modern Warfare 2 with me when it comes out? =]
Walker;337284 said:Speaking of which, when DOES Modern Warfare 2 come out?
Trawgdor;337310 said:Yeah, as Firis said, it's coming out on November 10th.
I preordered it already because I've lost my life.
Trawgdor;337267 said:Does anyone want to play Modern Warfare 2 with me when it comes out? =]
Tiamatria;337412 said:@Drakan-
Isn't my pink text sexy? <3
Firis;337492 said:To all staff: Am I the only one who is kinda creeped out and a little turned on that my best female friend can make the exact voice that the Gun Turrets in Portal make?
Trawgdor;337310 said:Yeah, as Firis said, it's coming out on November 10th.
I preordered it already because I've lost my life.
cheezMcNASTY;337509 said:am i a freak because i have organs from both genders?
Firis;337492 said:To all staff: Am I the only one who is kinda creeped out and a little turned on that my best female friend can make the exact voice that the Gun Turrets in Portal make?
Tiamatria;337601 said:@Dark Drakan-
Isn't my magenta text sexy? <3
Quick heads-up: the maximum width/height for avatars was increased a short while ago. You could make a wider and even more convincing rank-avatar now if you fancied.Skotekal;337727 said:Do you guys notice my avatar? I just saw it now. I thought I didn't have one for the longest time until I saw the little green streak thing. I have to change that. :lol:
Don't have favourites. I do give out extra rep to members who are able to make me laugh, though.ScareCrowReturn;336678 said:Name your top 10 Favourite Members on the Forums. (Active Members)
Never felt that way before but when I feel a bit down in the dumps it's because I feel I haven't really contributed that day. Having a good tidy around the house and doing websitey-stuff or jobs pretty much always perks me up. Spending time with my son and letting my wife get some much needed rest also does wonders.Another Spartan;335590 said:@ staff What would you do if you got an undeniable feeling of utter guilt and despair, even though you hadn't done anything wrong?
Really, really wish I had a say in the matter. I love Gears 2 - although haven't played it since my flippin' rank was glitched and reset to 0 - but the host advantage drives me crazy. I'm really hoping Epic pull their socks up and get some of that crap sorted in Gears 3.Zjuggernaut;331603 said:Will you make sure that Epic Games make Gears of War 3 with less lag and less annoyance?
Back in the day... er, like 10 years ago, I'd have said Tenchu or Metal Gear Solid for the PSX.Havik;331786 said:Your fav stealth game?
1. Haven't heard a whole lot about it but I'm keeping my eyes open for new info.cheezMcNASTY;331498 said:to all the staff
1) are you getting borderlands when it comes out October 12th?
2) would you be interested in playing it with me?
Tsuyu.Archon'sRage;331298 said:If each of you had to give mod powers to someone on the forum, who would it be?
Macmillan Cancer Support.Silver.;330859 said:If you had to give £100 to a charity of your choice, which one would it be?
Ha! I 'f-and-blind at 'em when I'm against 'em. Snipers used to make my blood boil on Bad CompanyTJ Griffin;329566 said:When playing a game online, whats your opinion of snipers?
projectego;339119 said:Macmillan Cancer Support.