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Ask The Staff 'Anything'

Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

I know what it is, I call it a video just...because :P. At first I thought it was an actual very long video until I realised it was a .gif that kept replaying.

EDIT: damm ninja'd
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

JohnDoe;384697 said:
@Staff: Current favorite celebrity? And why?
Er...I don't know. I don't really "follow" celebs like most people seem to do...
FableFreak;384749 said:
Where is FableFreak? Why did he stop posting? Does he hate us or something? Did he get AIDS from that hooker in Rio? Is he really a super-computer in North Korea?
Maybe he just can't be arsed?
Evan52395;384800 said:
Staff, did you watch FableFreaks sig video for like ten minutes like me?
Skotekal;384808 said:
To all staff: Why is the G3 such an awesome gun in every game? It rapes in Bad Company 2, Modern Warfare 1, and Farcry 2.
Don't know what the G3 is, I'm afraid.
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

Evan52395;384800 said:
Staff, did you watch FableFreaks sig video for like ten minutes like me?

I watched it for about 60 seconds the first time I saw it... which was 3 years ago.

cheezMcNASTY;384831 said:

favorite character in dexter?

Out of Dexter, Batista, Masuka, and Debra... I'd probably say Masuka. I can like someone who is just as or more disgustingly perverted as I am.

I also enjoy his humor.
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

Dear staff, is there anymore depressing of a mind**** than seeing Artax (The horse from The Never Ending Story) sink in the swamp of sadness? Why to children movies have to rape your mind? I saw that when I was four and is one of the saddest moments I have seen in a movie still.
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

So, Angel, I saw you *****ing about Dragon Age, but I don't recall actually reading what your complaints were.

Would you mind expanding upon them? I'm trying to decide whether I want to get it (eventually.)
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

Walker;385211 said:
So, Angel, I saw you *****ing about Dragon Age, but I don't recall actually reading what your complaints were.

Would you mind expanding upon them? I'm trying to decide whether I want to get it (eventually.)
Oh, don't mind me - if you want it, go and get it. I still play it just because I'm determined to get as many achievements out of it before I throw it out of the window in frustration and anger. You should judge for yourself whether you want it, don't listen to the least capable gamer on the intarwebz ;)

Basically, it's full of bugs, glitches and glaring errors such as you finish a quest, it goes to a cut scene and the cut scene winds up leading to the beginning of the quest again and you have to keep repeating until it sorts itself out and stops being crap. People aren't where they ought to be, objects which are crucial to continuing the game are missing half the time, quests don't always update when you've finished or it says it's finished but the characters relating to it don't register and you have to start all over again and casual mode is most definitely NOT casual (I've tried the next mode up and it presents exactly the same level of difficulty which can only lead me to conclude that casual mode is some sort of in-joke for the developing team). The healing system is silly in that you need a break between being battered long enough to take out a potion and swallow it down - not likely when you're surrounded, the only team member left alive and you are being assaulted from all sides. The tutorial system is shockingly bad - vague, unhelpful and on casual mode especially I'd expect more from it seeing as the mode itself is supposed to be for people who have never or rarely play games. They presume an awful lot of prior knowledge and the game feels like it was far too overambitious for BioWare to even contemplate. It feels unfinished.

One of my biggest annoyances is the whole quest system full stop - you can highlight something as your main quest so it provides the appropriate marker. Only it doesn't. It provides markers for EVERY SINGLE QUEST in that area so you merrily make your way over to what you think is the right marker only to find it's for something else entirely and you've wasted time. There are too many things locked away in areas you either cannot or have no desire to return to later in the game (case in point - Lothering. If you don't unlock everything before you leave, you won't get a chance to go back). There's a lot of back and forth for the side quests and without a high enough intimidate or persuade level you can't get the outcome you want anyway (such as the main questline in the Brecilian Forest) - some of these outcomes are achievement related and it can be a pain the backside to keep repeating them over and over again until you have got the level you need. BioWare seem to love repeating playthroughs as well - but there are about 6 in total and it's really not that interesting enough to warrant so many especially when there are not exactly many differences in how the game is played out, despite what they say. Essentially, the quests continue as normal with one or two slight differences in dialogue options - but nothing that would change the outcome of anything important.

Also with the quests, you are often left with no indication of where to go next - especially with the side quests. You are given a vague, almost cryptic few lines of text in your logbook and then you are left to it. I've lost count of the number of times I have had to go online and look up a walkthrough just to find out what the hell I'm supposed to do next. I shouldn't have to do this at the beginning of almost every side quest - a walkthrough ought to be a last resort. An example of this is when you are in Orzammer and you come across a sick dwarf. You gain a quest whereby you need to collect ingredients to restore her health but they don't tell you what they are or what you need to do. Instead, you won't find out unless you happen to select herbalism in your radial wheel - something which you may or may not be aware of especially on your first playthrough. So much is left to assumption and my point is that sure, if you are playing on a high difficulty level then of course - presume away that the player is adept at RPG's and knows what they are doing. But if someone is on casual especially, then you need to presume idiocy until proven otherwise. No one should get that frustrated on an RPG of all things.

Wall of text - but those are my main points. It could be such an awesome game - but it's not. It's lacking, as far as I'm concerned, and it's also very likely I'm the only one who thinks this so don't listen to me :D
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

^I never had any bugs, when I was playing on Nightmare. And nightmare was too easy. And with the side quest thing, I will only say this: You are not an experienced gamer. This game is supposed to be hard!

Anyway, to all staff, do you like my spoiler in the signature?
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

Daemon300;385229 said:
^I never had any bugs, when I was playing on Nightmare. And nightmare was too easy. And with the side quest thing, I will only say this: You are not an experienced gamer. This game is supposed to be hard!
But if it's supposed to be hard then why have a casual mode at all? That's my question really - why have a mode for the gaming inept, such as myself, if it's not supposed to be easy enough for them to handle? Maybe the easier modes are full of bugs to put us off? I usually stick to RPG's and this is the first one I have had these problems with and it annoys me. Mass Effect managed to compensate adequately for those who were not interested in playing everything at the hardest levels - why couldn't Dragon Age at least try? And if not, then don't add a mode in which is not suitable for the game. It's stupid.

I enjoy gaming - I'm not very good, but why should I have to avoid games because developers are too stupid to realise what casual means? My money is as good as anyone else's - why am I being penalised for not being experienced? I got the game because I love the fantasy genre and I was really looking forward to playing it - I also ensured it had a variety of difficulty modes to enjoy prior to purchasing so that I knew I could at least try it. But it's been a let down and every playthrough up until the Archdemon which I still cannot beat and probably never will has been as glitchy as the last.

Also, did you have a problem with one of the generals towards the end being killed but it not counting? In Denerim and the Alienage, I killed both generals but only one was logged as being defeated. This has happened 8 times now in a row...another casualty of the casual mode perhaps?
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

I an't believe you are having problems on casual. That is supposed to be a piece of cake.Who are you playing as, what are your abilities/skills, your companions, armor/weapons?

And no, I didn't have any problems with the general. They all counted as soon as I killed them. Maybe there was a patch after I stopped playing that did it?
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

Daemon300;385236 said:
I an't believe you are having problems on casual. That is supposed to be a piece of cake.Who are you playing as, what are your abilities/skills, your companions, armor/weapons?

And no, I didn't have any problems with the general. They all counted as soon as I killed them. Maybe there was a patch after I stopped playing that did it?
It doesn't matter who I play as - the quest bugs are still there. They don't seem to be character related. The Archdemon bit was working brilliantly for a bit but then my team got overrun by Darkspawn and the dragon started using that blue fire from the sky thing which I couldn't get away from. Archdemon's health was halfway down before I died so I was clearly doing better than before thanks to everyone's advice on here.

Currently I'm a mage because I prefer to stand off from battle and cause havoc - I have myself, Wynne as a healer primarily, Shale with flawless spirit crystals all over her and another warrior - doesn't matter which one because they are all wearing the best armour they can for their level and have fully augmented weapons, both range and melee.

I can't recall my exact tactics/weapons right now but I know Wynne is set to Healer and Sten/Alistair/Oghren use Threaten to keep the heat off my other characters. Shale does a good lot of damage with her skills before getting killed and I dance about using the ballistas for as long as I can get away with it and I do fine until the first big wave of darkspawn. The Shrieks are the worst because I can kill all other darkspawn with one single hit of anything but the Shrieks often won't register I've hit them or they take an uncommonly long time to die. My team gets flanked, even with shields, by about three Shrieks at once each and they are relentless which leaves little time to heal. Wynne gets overwhelmed too quickly and then we've lost our main healer - I have healing but without a second mage, it tends to go worse.

The blue fire from the sky is the real killer - I've used salves and whatnot but I cannot stop getting battered by it.

I heard BioWare have been having to patch the difficulty for normal and easy because they realised there were too many spikes which meant people getting overwhelmed too early on in the game when really it shouldn't be an issue - whether that's just patched for the PC or not I don't know.
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

A mage is one of the most hardcore classes in the game. If you don't have the right equipment and spells, you will die. If you're a mage, you have to control the battlefield with AOL spells, glyphs, and all that stuff.

The easiest class to play is, of course, the sword and board warrior. You are literally immortal on casual with the right equipment. All enemies take only -1 damage from you (more if it's a guy with the double handed sword). The only minus is that enemies take longer to kill, but again, with the right allies, it's a piece of cake.

On my playthrough on nightmare I was a sword and board warrior, with Allistar (also sword and board), Wynne, and Leliana. Wynne as the healer, Leliana damage spikes with her bow, and me and Allistair covering their asses.

That's all I have to say.
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'


The "Mage" is the classic Cleric and Wizard classes combined. It is over-powered as all hell. You've got the offense/utility of the Wizard and the healing/support of the Cleric in one neat package. It is why Dragon Age sucks, if you ask me. The Mage is too powerful. One Mage is worth an entire party of Warriors/Rogues.

I wish BioWare would release a classic Dungeons & Dragons-based game again instead of going with their own retarded bastard child of a ruleset.
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

Anyway, I re-ask my question.

To all staff, do you like my spoiler in the signature?
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

JohnDoe;384697 said:
@Staff: Current favorite celebrity? And why?

I dont really follow celebrities but i saw an interview with Robert Downey Jr and i like him, he seems good for a laugh.

Evan52395;384800 said:
Staff, did you watch FableFreaks sig video for like ten minutes like me?

I watched it until it looped but its good.

Skotekal;384808 said:
To all staff: Why is the G3 such an awesome gun in every game? It rapes in Bad Company 2, Modern Warfare 1, and Farcry 2.

Accurate, one shot kill on Hardcore mode and its accuracy makes it deadly in that mode and fires as quick or as slow as you hit trigger so very little recoil.

Daemon300;385229 said:
Anyway, to all staff, do you like my spoiler in the signature?

As a red blooded male of course.

Angel;385222 said:
Basically, it's full of bugs, glitches and glaring errors such as you finish a quest, it goes to a cut scene and the cut scene winds up leading to the beginning of the quest again and you have to keep repeating until it sorts itself out and stops being crap.

One of my biggest annoyances is the whole quest system full stop - you can highlight something as your main quest so it provides the appropriate marker. Only it doesn't. It provides markers for EVERY SINGLE QUEST in that area so you merrily make your way over to what you think is the right marker only to find it's for something else entirely and you've wasted time.

Im 20 hours in and have had no bugs yet so hope if there are some awaiting me later in the game they are patched before i get to them.

I have the same feeling towards the quest log and journal. So many games make this an annoying issue when it should be simple to switch between active quests. I enjoy the game but have to have a long time free to play it as i cant simply pick up and play it.