a dude at my work is a creationist (thinks god made the whole universe, the earth is only 12000 years old ect. ect.) i want to punch this guy in the face when ever he talks about it. but hes like .... 60
ive had it out with him a few times over evolution and of course he always says " thats just a theory" (like gravity or the shape of the earth....) he says there is no evidence
i get so mad when discussing this topic with this guy i literally get red in the face
a dude at my work is a creationist (thinks god made the whole universe, the earth is only 12000 years old ect. ect.) i want to punch this guy in the face when ever he talks about it. but hes like .... 60
ive had it out with him a few times over evolution and of course he always says " thats just a theory" (like gravity or the shape of the earth....) he says there is no evidence
i get so mad when discussing this topic with this guy i literally get red in the face