Re: Debate 360 0r ps3
Seriously, why would u bother asking on a Fable forum?
It's Cheaper to get a 360. most of the games are the same, apart from console exclusive games (ie. Heavenly Sword, MGS4 are games i can live without) Bluray is a novelty ATM and hasn't really taken off, 360 controllers are far more ergonomic, PS controllers give me cramps in my hands. the only reason i would buy a PS3 is, if and when the re-release of FFVII actually happens, it will be cheaper by then, and even still, that doesn't quite justify buying it anyway, because it's only really a cosmetic fix on the game and i still have the original FFVII which i can play on my PS2 if I really wanted to.
360 all the way!!!!