Ok well, I belive that when you die you go to heavn, or hell you know if you were evil or not. The main reason for my viewpoint is that I actually died 3 times(I think I mentioned this on another thread) and I do remeber going fishing with my Grandfather who died before I was born, I described him perfectly to my mother even in the way he talked(he had a very thick german accent i.e. Vinsheild vipers, or bezza bie) and I remeber that the lake and surrounding shore was the most picture perfect scene you could imagine, each blade of grass was perfect and the lake itself I rember shimmered like it was the most finely polished glass you could ever image.
I didn't want to post this before because I'm sure alot will snicker at this and that's fine, but that's what I remeber. Take it as you will.
I didn't want to post this before because I'm sure alot will snicker at this and that's fine, but that's what I remeber. Take it as you will.