Re: I request an "Author Badge"
'Allo! I'll get straight to the point: I reckon that the ranking system has become one major cluster-flip - thanks to me - and needs a good revising and overhaul.
Let's be honest - does anyone really know what all the ranks are for? I know you don't because... I don't. LAWL. Well, I do really, but in my absence a few people have attempted to explain it to other and misinformation has been passed around and it's never really properly been cleared up and all that junk.
I won't list all the groups because most of 'em don't really have need for an explaination but here's the general gist:
Guildmasters: Teh owners; that includes me and DD. Angel got in because she helps me achievement hunt and has bewbs.
Modders: I made it a public group so that members who felt that they're familiar with modding Fable: TLC could simply elect themselves to be a modder. It doesn't take an idiot to know that a ton of people will just enter the group for the pretty badge but we give 'em the benefit of the doubt.
What I have been considering is adding a new non-public group whereby verteran Fable modders - who actually know how to do more than just install Fable Explorer - could be nominated and given their own group. Perhaps Master Modders?
I dunno. Just an idea.
Bards: This group was originally intended to post news on the homepage, not in the forums. However, a lot of people feel that their work is not reaching as large of an audience on the homepage because there aren't as many comments posted and instead post news in the forum. Truth is: gets way more hits than the forum. I mean by FARRRRRR.
If any of you visit my
Resi Evil webby, you'll know that I abolished the Editor group altogether as I have a new direction I'd like to take the network in. I ran the idea past the editors and all bar one agreed with me that it was a good idea; the one remaining has not been online since before we began discussing the changes.
Contributor: I originally made this group as a sort of tongue-in-cheek way of saying thanks for contributing some very minor art. I've given it to others for posting Fable 2 guides and contributing work.
Members: I love the whole "Hero", "Legendary Hero", "Champion" thing we've got going on.
I also just want to point out their I don't see any real point in having groups for every little thing. I mean, I think a special group for Fable fan fiction writers would be fine - perhaps "Story Tellers"? - but a group for artists would be really pushing it. Unless of course they specialize in Fable related art and we could in some way use it for the site/forum.
Shirosaki;364415 said:
Personally I think we should make a petition to kick out all modders made since the group was made public, and then make it if possible, so that only people who are modders can accept other modders.
That way the admins dont get sick of checking people's credentials and it's moderated well enough.
That would be ideal but isn't possible without using third party vBulletin mods (if one even exists that could accomplish this).