Re: iTouch Question
DarkenedSoul;367156 said:
Then you need your ears cleaning. If I were to show you an iPod and a Samsung with the same song with a decent pair of headphones, you'd hear a HUGE difference. Hell, I noticed a massive difference without expensive headphones. It sounds flat and horrible on an iPod. Also, why the hell is there no Custom EQ on the iPod? Why is there no enhancements?
There are preset EQs on my iPhone. Sure, I can't make a custom setting, but there are enough there that if, for some reason, I wanted to change the settings, I could.
DarkenedSoul;367156 said:
Did you know every song that's put on an iPod is compressed to take out the sounds you can't hear? Apart from the fact it does a horrible job and it strips the quality of the music away.
As someone who works with sound and sound quality constantly, I can tell you that my iPhone has a good sound quality.
DarkenedSoul;367156 said:
Also, lack of file support. No FLAC, no OGG, no WAV, hopeless file support. I guess I could always rip it to Apples ****ty codecs, but why would I make the music suffer further?
So you expect a player that compresses everything, plays the file on a bad soundcard with no enhancements or custom EQ, and to match it to a REAL music player? And also to have to have Apples software and accessories to get the most out of the player? Haha, wow. Some people will buy anything.
That's my only problem with the iPod, the fact that you have to have iTunes to make it work. For someone who always used WMP to play music, and had everything set up on it, it was a pain to switch. After making the switch, however, I can tell you it's made things a lot easier.
DarkenedSoul;367156 said:
Also, what Samsung MP3 player did you have? Model number please. I've had several and they were the best of the best. Or are you just making that up? I was rather disappointed with Sony.
I had the Samsung S3. Can I tell you the reason I don't have it anymore? Because through normal usage (I merely kept it in my pocket, something which is apparantly too strenuous for it to handle), the screen broke. Not the outside screen, but the inside screen. I could still use it fine, managing to navigate by feel alone, until the headphones decided that all they wanted to give me was static. I had it for about two months. I've had my iPhone for about the same, at it works better now than the day I got it.
DarkenedSoul;367156 said:
Also, note "over the years". Audio quality technology has come a long way since then, but the one thing that Apple have NEVER worked on is the audio quality. Ever. They never improved this. An old iPod will sound just as bad as a new one. But modern players such as the Samsung YP-P3 and the Cowon S9 have stunning sound quality that's always developing using firmware.
That's pretty amazing considering that I hear great sound quality coming from my iPhone, right as we speak.
DarkenedSoul;367156 said:
Also, I wasn't belittling you. I was just displaying the truth. Take the iPod off of your heart and face the facts.
You were laughing loudly* at the point I was making, as though I was an idiot for making it. If that's not trying to belittle me, then what is?
* You know what I mean
DarkenedSoul;367222 said:
But WHY would you buy such rubbish?
Because it's a quality product. It
must be if so many people have one.