PriestXIII;69705 said:I don't think trains or cars will be in the game. The title of the thread is from an old movie with John Candy and Steve Martin. If you are in Europe than that is why you might have miss understood me. It would be kinda cool to see albion at a time thta peple were trying to invent modes of transport. Maybe have a model of DaVinci and his flying machines. You know like some old crackpot in the game that invenets weird futuristic things that everyone thinks is crazy. You could do side missions for to get supplies or be a test dummy. It might be able to work in Fable. Not a big part of the game but maybe 5-6 side missions that you could do.
Orpheus Lupus;238638 said:I'm looking forward to it. That said, the problem with saying it absolutely should be free and such is, well...Just a generation ago we didn't really have downloadable content or expansions on consoles. Ever. Technically we don't "deserve" anything. You don't want to pay for it, you don't have to really. It seems to be a lengthy side quest, not some big huge part of the plot.
Not to mention we don't know what the outright circumstances are, not to mention release dates are a funny thing that one side or the other doesn't have a whole lot of control over. At any rate chances are yes, downloadable content will be stuff left out of the final game due to time or space constraints. And yes, the people working at Lionhead will probably expect to be paid. They have to eat too, guys.
um... no, it's 800ms points.Ch0seN 0nE;238725 said:250 ms points!!
thats like nothing
i am gonna get this for sure