Re: my wishlist and ideas
Howdy Been away awhile, i have thought of a new idea though.
Wieght, in Fable you could not bother eating and stay Slim. and decide to go Obese if you wanted to. In the second i want the game make you Care about eating. So i came up with the other end of the wieght ratio starting with the slimest to the fattest:
Skeletor- Basically a size 0 effect. Your Hero finds it hard to most activites, and runs outta energy quickly, and sustains injuries easily.
Anorexic- Close to Skeletor, but has a bit more meat on him/her, and loses energy slower than Skeletor but more than average.
Under wieght- Something to worry about, but not yet a problem, as the person isn't as weak as a new born kitten.
Slim- a Healthy but slim person basically the same as on Fable.
Average- again perfectly Healthy and normal wieght.
Plump- The opposite of Slim, in that the character is a little Over the wieght average, but still reasonably healthy.
Overwieght- Something to worry about but The person has time to back off the beer, and pies.
Fatty- Basically the opposite of anorexic in that the person, is big, and slow and seems to have no energy but eat more and sleep.
Obese- bassically the other sidde of the coin of Skeletor, again the person is always out of enegy and can't do much without taking a break, but is as big as a house built.