Trawgdor;305145 said:
Go there, type in "The Elder Scrolls"
and it should bring you to Oblivion. Then click it, and see if you could run it.
You must, at least have:
512MB System RAM
2 Ghz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent processor
128MB Direct3D compatible video card
DirectX 9.0 compatible driver
8x DVD-ROM drive
4.6 GB free hard disk space
DirectX 9.0c (included)
DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card
Some Graphics Cards Oblivion can run on:
ATI X1800 series
ATI X1300 series
ATI X850 series
ATI x800 series
ATI x700 series
ATI x600 series
ATI Radeon 9800 series
ATI Radeon 9700 series
ATI Radeon 9600 series
ATI Radeon 9500 series
ATI Radeon 9000 series
NVIDIA Geforce 7800 series
NVIDIA GeForce 6800 series
NVIDIA GeForce FX series
Those aren't the only ones however. I can run Oblivion on my ATI Radeon HD 3200.
Zarkes;305171 said:^+ rep for bieng such a gewd fellow
Remember everyhting you do and think and when your gewd at it remember what you used to be like its really funny.moonfever;305260 said:I am having a hard time just trying to figure out what to do. It's all very confusing to me.![]()
I like treasure hunting man, my account is like a collector item of all the rare crud in the game.TJ Griffin;305314 said:oblivion is fun but I hate the combat. I just put the game on easy so I can dispatch the pests and get on with the exploration, which to me is the best aspect of the game.
Zarkes;304734 said:So yaynay I have Oblivion for the 360. It's not as gewd as PC because you can't mod and the official mods cost precious munnies but it owns still because of all the exploits I am capable of. I know every single one and always find new ones 2. I've accidently had game ending glitches happen 5 times, very frustrating.
So back to my ongoing saga the level cap is 53 in game and I have exploited the crap out of this game to get myself to 103. Enemies level goes up with you based on yours so my exploited mega penultimate weapon of one hit kill is weak now and cant even kill a human! Now I have to glitch myself to level 255 which is the level cap of the game. Getting to 103 tewk 3 hours so yeah... Once there I will level up again and get to level 0. I'll have every weapon I had and stats the same just overall level 0 so everyone else will suck again.
UGH!!! This game is so friggin awesome I've had over 500 profiles and prolly more than 1000hrs of gameplay. Currently this is my best profile ever and the irony is that it is the weakest now. But I will fix it.:ninja:
You goyls do anything epic on any of your games latley?
moonfever;305260 said:I am having a hard time just trying to figure out what to do. It's all very confusing to me.![]()
TJ Griffin;305194 said:my graphics card has always been the problem.
It's level cap is 255, even if the number go higher you gain nothing after it.TJ Griffin;305520 said:I dont think oblvion has a set level cap. you just stop leveling up once all your major skills are at 100. but depending on how you set up your character at the begining, some of your major skills could be in the 40s right at the begining of the game. so to get to the highest level without cheating, you would have to set up your character "poorly", so all your major skills start off at 25.
as for an exploit to get past your own level cap, the one I know of is to commit a lot of crimes and then chose to go to jail. when in jail you skills will decrease, sometimes even major skills. so if all you major skills are at 100 then you have reached you own level cap, but going to jail may lower these skills (minor skills get hurt to) but will not lower your level. so just level them up agiain and you will gain more levels. the more crimes you commit, the longer you will be in jail and the more your skills will drop, but no one skill will drop more than 10 points. security and sneak are the acception here, as the may increase (the game randomly selects a skill to hurt, these to go up instead if they are selected) since you are in a prison with other criminals they will give you pointers. there might be other ways to level up, but thats the one I know of.
anyway, I think I will once again share my tips on leveling up "perfectly". by perfectly, I mean adding the full 5 points to 3 attributes each time you level up. the thing you have to remember is, for every 10 points you add to skills governed by a specific attribute you get to add 5 points to that attribute when you level up. and you level up by adding 10 points to major skills. so the best way to do this is to add 10 points to minor skills governed by 2 separate attributes, (for a total of 20 points) and then level up 10 points in major skill to a 3rd attibute. here is an example.
There are many many manyFabled Ravrn;305497 said:1: I would like to know this level-cap-surpassing exploit.
Zarkes;305572 said:It's level cap is 255, even if the number go higher you gain nothing after it.
Doing the jail exploit sucks in my opinion, it lowers minor skills which are harder to get up, gets you infamy, and takes forever! My way you dont even need to use level up bewsters eventually everything will get to 100.
Pick easy skills or skills you dont mind leveling up, get all 7 major skills to 100 without sleeping once, Get a few spells that drain one major skill 100points, each level drain your skill and train (then it wewd be at 105) sleep level up and drain. You will get to level 103. Your prolly happy noe but if you have shiverin isles do felldew quest and it lowers all your skills. Just train as much asyou want till you get to level 250. Most people are happy here. Once at that level get the oghma infinium book and dont read it. Go somewhere there are archer bandits, kill one, if yo are level 250 with oghma infinium on you they will carry 20 of those bewks, get as many as you need. Once you read it it will stop spawning.
There are many many many
TJ Griffin;305587 said:Iv never heard of that book. what does it do and where is it located?
the jail thing is the only method I knew of, Iv never done it cuz it sounded annoying (even more than my methods!).
Trawgdor;305590 said:Oh yar. The Ohgma Infintium (Spelling) is a book you get for doing Hermaus Mora's (Spelling again) shrine. You can only activate this shrine, however, after completing all the other daedric shrines. The book gives you a choice of 3 paths. I don't remember 'em right now, but I'll get back to you later.