Nope - not yet.
As a parent, I'm agreeing with JonhDoe here. Controlled crying is a method widely used and accepted by parents and associated carers because IT WORKS. Babies communicate by screaming their little heads off, yes, but sometimes they do it just because they can. Because they are bored. Because they have nothing else to do but kick off - a parent can tell the difference between a baby in need and baby being a pain in the backside. All crying might sound the same to the untrained ear, but to the parents each cry is different and denotes different needs/wants. If parents hurry to poor baby's side the minute it screws up its ugly little troll-like face to howl, they will encourage the behaviour to continue and babies are sponges for this sort of thing. The last thing that should ever be encouraged is a baby-centred house where everyone puts baby first and everything is dropped the second it so much as sneezes. The earlier you put the practice of controlled crying into effect, the better - sure, it's a pain when you are stuck on a plane or whatever with a screaming brat and there are times when it is more suitable for the parents to remove the offending creature if nothing else than to give everyone else's ears a break - but pandering when there is nothing wrong encourages the baby to scream and scream and scream until they hurl simply because they learn that it works. Not good...
Sure, some parents really don't give a crap but they are not as widespread as you think.