I've only had to start over once... and that was because I hated my sword and I flourished all the gnomes. My female wont get taller because I rarely use my gun (terrible aim is an understatement...even if the gun is guided...>.>). Like in the last game, the family systems turns into kinda a pain in the buuuutt. Thankfully, I plan on marrying a friend.
The story I actually enjoyed a great deal. Nothing like a prince or princess over throwing their brother and either saving the place or watching it burn. I liked gathering followers and some of the quest were actually a lot of fun (Max and Same grew on me in Fable 2, loved seeing them again... though dead).
If you wanted to play an evil character, yeah, it was a bit odd having a seemingly good character to start with. But I've always been one for thinking of a personality in my head for any mute/roleplayed characters. I justified being evil because of Logan killing Elliot (which I was kinda shocked that was one of the first options) and going crazy. I mean, in Fable 2 it was hard to be evil because the game was about avenging the hero's sister and killing Lucien (dun think Rose would have been happy with the thought of her sibling destroying the towns, and Hammer seemingly becomes your best friend either way). In Fable 3, it's pretty much 'I want to rule the place cause my brother bites and the best way to gain followers is to make deals and then break them. What are they gonna do? Attack me? I know their plans now".
The store system was pretty cool in my option, scrolling through the list was a pain sometimes. Sadly, being unable to see your invo causes a headache of trying to remember everything that you have. Friend's quest... meh, give or take. It was easier to just flirt your way into good deals then to deliver packages and dig up treasures.
The option to adopt was my favorite addition though. No more cheating to have children (which was really all I wanted in the previous games. Kids, no husband/wife). Wish you could change their outfits though.
Gnomes FTW. Sick little creepers right there. xD
Well, that was things that seemed good. Now bad things.
WHY DID YOU IMPORT THE AUTOSAVE SO IT SAVED WHEN YOU CHANGED MAPS, LIONHEAD????!!!! Dx< Sometimes I just want to slaughter a city and run for the heck of it and then shut the game off as if nothing happened. Not kill everyone, run to a different map and SAVE! Thankfully I caught that the first time I tried and shut the xbox off. I also don't like having to take one person at a time. I'm known for gathering large groups of citizens and taking them to Wraithmarsh or the Hobbe Cave or the Shadow Temple. Can't do that anymore apparently. I mean, I could take one at a time but where is the fun in that?
Lack of abilities was another kicker. Couldn't upgrade speed or defense or aim. And this added to the lack of weapon choices was frustrating. I want my cleavers and axes back, kay thanks.
Why did they take out the darker creatures, like Banshees? Plenty of people were waiting to see what monsters would come out, but LionHead seemed to have taken away a lot (and added more freakin' Hobbes). I believe MourningWood (hahahahahahahaha) was suppose to be the scary part (I hate Hobbes, so the Monorail Station was actually kinda freaky for me). But the scariness is taken away when it's only Hollowmen and Hobbes and there is a small town close by. And there are so many at a time. o_o If you didn't want to use magic, you had no choice unless you co-oped. Or had fast reflexes.
The world kinda seems smaller too. :d It doesn't take long to memorize the maps (cept for Mistpeak, never seem to figure out where the caves were).
Also, lack of hair styles. e_o I mean, you can make the male character really nice looking, but the female...>.> Even makeup doesn't help, and masks are kinda hard to come by (you get two, if I recall). Missing the dreadlocks, long hair, pigtails, and HATS! There are not enough hats in the game. Clothing choices are pretty slim anyway. However, being able to wear almost anything was nice. Villagers didn't hate you because of clothing choice; "You must be evil because you are wearing a bandit shirt though we see you all the time and you've been nothing but helpful!"
And spending 80mp for black dye kinda made me die a bit inside.
While the storyline was okay, it did lack a lot of depth. Second half was like "Ooookay, now I have to rule and can do very little cause, oh hey, the old lady FAILED to mention that we'll all die unless we have enough money.

" Buying houses is the way to go, btw. o_ob Do some of those friendship quest or leveling up weapons before that point in the game and you are golden.
......rant rant rant~