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The singing sword

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Re: The singing sword

solus-warrior;21850 said:
this is a rumor it talks abbout the singing sword and the scitar, its horrable but you need to donate in the temple of avo(you must donate 1.000.000 until you get that money ) it must be in day if the alignement is good at least 50% to get the stongest sword the singing sword and at night if the alignement is bed at least 50% to get the wrost weapon in the game scitar (it causes 20 of damage but it can be sell by 1.500.000.000). Note if you do this you´re going to fight the final hero, he is mounted in a dragon and he will atack you with the infernal raph, skorm bow, the solus greatsword and the dragon. He can only be hurted by singing sword and the scimilar and all the magics. Note this is a rumor

This is one of the most idiotic and gayest rumor ever. The singing sword doesn't exsist, it's fake and has more speculation about it than roswell, the chupacabra, and big foot all in one. Anybody who posts rumors or even thinks it exsists get 10 points on there "gayscore", +20 if they like Panic! At the disco.
Re: The singing sword

*Spoiler warning*

Jack can't fight mounted on the dragon because Jack is the dragon.

The scimitar can be aquired, but not by such a stupid way. Bandits in Bandit Camp randomly put their weapons on the ground and you can pick it up.
And how could Jack get his hands on both Skorm's Bow and Solus Greatsword when they are unique and your Hero has them?

Spoiler Warning Added - Dark Drakan
Re: The singing sword

exactly :P but u have 2 admit it would b gd

but eeeeeeeeeeever so fake
Re: The singing sword

Okay, I'm new. I just got to play fable..(TLC)..like a month ago..and I can't put it down. I'm here because my search for secrets started with the statue at lookout point...

I found a picture of the singing sword..and I just can't stop digging for clues to..ANYTHING that's secret. I also have found a picture of "Dragon cliff" below hook coast, but I think that was from a modded Xbox...

I am going to beging my search for this "Bard" and the blue nymph..I'm ganna dig through fable...untill I can't do it ANYMORE...and I hope you all accept my ranting...because Fable...is crazy..and so am I..:)...Haha..hahaha..sandgoose...

And off topic, anyone know ANYTHING about the red boat at Prison path, and that island that you can see. the red boat seems to be the only one that dissapears.....:/
Re: The singing sword

The island is Bargate Prison and the boat is what the minions are using to take the archaeologist to Bargate Prison. I t has nothing to do with these lies you are hearing.
Re: The singing sword

The scitmar can be acquired through a modded xbox and so can dragon cliff, but the sandgoose along with the singing sword is fake. Someone would have found something by now I'm sure but are they keeping it a secret?
Re: The singing sword

I..wasn't..HEARING any lies. This was of my own calculating. And it MIGHT be bargate prison, but on the map of albion there's an island between the prison path and bargate prison. And how come AFTER rescuing him the boat still appears?..I can still hope for secrets..can't I?..
Re: The singing sword

i got the damage capability of my bereaver to 314 by adding an experience Augmentation and a sharpening augmentation.
Re: The singing sword

fablefreak1;22643 said:
The scitmar can be acquired through a modded xbox and so can dragon cliff, but the sandgoose along with the singing sword is fake. Someone would have found something by now I'm sure but are they keeping it a secret?

the scitmar dosnt have 2 be acquired through a modded xbox coz my friend has it and i am nt lieing :) i dnt lie ... much but i cn honestly tell u this but the others nt so much.
Re: The singing sword

Druid;22715 said:
the scitmar dosnt have 2 be acquired through a modded xbox coz my friend has it and i am nt lieing :) i dnt lie ... much but i cn honestly tell u this but the others nt so much.

Yes that is correct it can be pick up at one of the Twinblade camps, but it is very, very hard to get. Even if you do get it it does not do much dmg.
But I suppose if you are collecting weapons then fair enough.
Re: The singing sword

i have heard about that crossbow and i also heard it is oak or somthink
Re: The singing sword

Tsuyu;22759 said:
Also, there is supposedly a less famous bandit weapon, a crossbow, that they also put down.

Not as famous as the Scimitar so it might not even exist

i have never heard of a different bandit weapon or a crossbow but if any1 have any info plz post
Re: The singing sword

the scitmar dosnt have 2 be acquired through a modded xbox coz my friend has it and i am nt lieing i dnt lie ... much but i cn honestly tell u this but the others nt so much.

I say that until I have total visual proof in front of my eyes then I will maintain my own right to believe that any of this stuff does not exist.
Re: The singing sword

i have the shimitar and its 20 damage and it makes your ability to teleport get f**ked up
Re: The singing sword

bak on subject everyone who has the ss say i i
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