What made Fable so Good?
I've been reading all these reasons why people like Fable/TLC and one of them was boasting. Hmmm. WTF?! :O. Anyway I was wondering what everyone else thinks and I'd love to know.
I :wub: it just cause it gives such an awesome experience, and it's so laid back that I just want to keep playing. I also Love gathering XP for ages and then using the Guild Seal to tele to the guild and then spending it. It's the most rewarding feeling I've ever got from a game.
I've been reading all these reasons why people like Fable/TLC and one of them was boasting. Hmmm. WTF?! :O. Anyway I was wondering what everyone else thinks and I'd love to know.
I :wub: it just cause it gives such an awesome experience, and it's so laid back that I just want to keep playing. I also Love gathering XP for ages and then using the Guild Seal to tele to the guild and then spending it. It's the most rewarding feeling I've ever got from a game.