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What made Fable so Good?


May 21, 2009
At a LAN, probably.
What made Fable so Good?

I've been reading all these reasons why people like Fable/TLC and one of them was boasting. Hmmm. WTF?! :O. Anyway I was wondering what everyone else thinks and I'd love to know.

I :wub: it just cause it gives such an awesome experience, and it's so laid back that I just want to keep playing. I also Love gathering XP for ages and then using the Guild Seal to tele to the guild and then spending it. It's the most rewarding feeling I've ever got from a game.
Re: What made Fable so Good?

Fable was just Unique in it's own way, despite a few technicallitys (Spelling?), Like not being able to choose a Girl but having guys fall in love with you? although the only bad side to it was not being able to do those quests in the very beginning. IE: The one where you have to kill a Snow Troll. It disappears along with two others, very disappointing.
Re: What made Fable so Good?

It felt like a full and finished game. Everything in it complimented eachother, it had a good story, and you could customise your game and character to make it unique and close to you. Every time you play you could be different, and you'd WANT to play again just to know what the other choices would end in.
Re: What made Fable so Good?

For me it was all about the story, the freedom to do as you will and the workman ship that lionhead put into it
Re: What made Fable so Good?

R3kt4l Raid3r;299373 said:
Fable was just Unique in it's own way, despite a few technicallitys (Spelling?), Like not being able to choose a Girl but having guys fall in love with you? although the only bad side to it was not being able to do those quests in the very beginning. IE: The one where you have to kill a Snow Troll. It disappears along with two others, very disappointing.

I think the quests you were talking about were to show that the good ones were gone, once Briar Rose had taken some.
Re: What made Fable so Good?

You're not controlling the protagonist. You ARE the protagonist himself in the game.
Re: What made Fable so Good?

Phantom;299559 said:
I think the quests you were talking about were to show that the good ones were gone, once Briar Rose had taken some.

Oh yeah, I completely forgot she had done that. Thanks for reminding me, now I feel a tad stupid. :)
Re: What made Fable so Good?

I'm sure it was good, because of the fart expression.


Re: What made Fable so Good?

Can't forget about the Bordello and the Pimp Hat. :)
Re: What made Fable so Good?

I just got bored of playing the first one over and over again so There is no point me beinn on this forums.
Re: What made Fable so Good?

I think I played through the game about 5 times, over the course of 5 years. I played twice in the beginning, good, then evil, but then I thought I did everything. I came to these forums, and decided to make archer, then played through it again with Fable Trainers...

I also got a new computer, so I played it again.

But yeah, at this point in time now, I wouldn't play except to try out some mods. (Ty Fable fanbase!)
Re: What made Fable so Good?

The Fact that it stood out the most then your typical dungeon raiding rpg's.
Re: What made Fable so Good?

The level of character customization, although I admit the game lacked large sprawling, puzzle filled, boss infested dungeons that I so loved in LoZ.

Seriosuly, some one should make a region creator that can edit things like terrain, pathability, elevation, water, and sky or at least tell me how to do those things so I can stick multi-leveled dungeons behind every demon door.

The main world is good, and they're many quests that can be done on the surface, but I'm more of a spelunker myself, and once the main story line is completeded there is realy nothing to be done.
Re: What made Fable so Good?

Gespenst;300446 said:
The level of character customization, although I admit the game lacked large sprawling, puzzle filled, boss infested dungeons that I so loved in LoZ.

Seriosuly, some one should make a region creator that can edit things like terrain, pathability, elevation, water, and sky or at least tell me how to do those things so I can stick multi-leveled dungeons behind every demon door.

The main world is good, and they're many quests that can be done on the surface, but I'm more of a spelunker myself, and once the main story line is completeded there is realy nothing to be done.
It could be done with mods but the people who could do it wouldn't be very interested in making giant dungeons :rolleyes:

I just the game was awesome fun play time changing the characters hair and facial hair and people cheering you if you're good or run cowardly if you get near, and just the feel of a well done game that has incedible graphics a great soundtrack, ability to marry, divorce, buy, sell and rent houses. Just to top it off you get a real feel of immersion and the game feels complete and well done. I could only complain about have to few quests and a short storyline, but the first time i played this i was happy i bought it. Fable seems like a finished game unfortunately unlike many other games thta just seem to be lacking something atleast one little thing while Fable doesn't seem to and because you play after you beat the game unlike zelda where you finish the last quest and have to load the last save just to play again.
Re: What made Fable so Good?

No crappy character creation, you can always alter your character for your liking. And the choice thing, the choice to kill those you hate and all that.