Which is your favourite bond flick? Mine is Moonraker because I love Jaws. When I was younger I remember feeling all happy and fuzzy inside because the character gets such a happy ending.
Funny you should say, Jaws is actually my favorite henchman, He's resourceful yet clumsy and gullible at the same time.
I liked You only live twice a lot, the musical score was excellent plus the scenery and setting with the volcano lair and everything was unforgettable.
My favorite Bond film though is Goldeneye, it was the first bond film I had ever seen, I was about 6 when I saw on T.V, needless to say although I loved the film, it was
really, really awkward seeing this scene with my dad in the room though:
(He hadn't seen the film up to this point either so we were both didn't see that cringe worthy moment coming, we laugh about it all the time now though.) Still Xenia is probably my favorite bond girl/female villain, I would always play as her on Goldeneye 64 on multiplayer. (Seeing her get taste of her own medicine in the jungle scene was pretty satisfying though.)
The film had other memorable characters too like Boris, he was hilarious, plus I thought 006 was a great villain being Bonds equal and former friend which made him seem a lot more threatening. Goldeneye was the one that got me into the Series, it fills me with nostalgia every time I see it.