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Whats Rocked And Sucked?

  • After working a long week this week I get 2 days off for my wedding anniversary.
  • Wife has booked us into a hotel without me knowing until now.
  • Overtime is helping me get some cash back finally.
  • PC should be FINALLY finished soon as I have recouped enough cash to purchase the final 2 components.
  • Really busy month next month with Las Vegas & Download Festival followed by my best mans 30th birthday.
  • Been a long exhausting week of work & very little time for anything else.
  • Weather has sucked.
  • PC is now 6 months behind schedule.
  • Still have £400 gas and electric bill to pay, which my overtime will be going towards.
  • Exercise bike came, got it all set up and spent 40 minutes on it. Burned around 300-400 kcals!
  • Looking forward to the prospect of seeing Scotty soon, once I save up enough monies. ^_^
  • Gonna need to invest in a gel saddle cover for the bike; otherwise I can definitely see my coccydynia getting bad again. >_<
  • Witcher 3 less than a week away... Finally!
  • Caught up on lots of shows this week.
  • Sorted out the big Gas & electric bill.
  • Vegas & Download Festival next month.
  • Remortgage is moving along & hoping to get it sorted as soon as possible.
  • So bored of paperwork, signing things and photocopying.
  • Having a time limit to get funds in order.
  • Had no time to game in weeks.
  • Working none stop but seeing no benefit of all that hard work as money is still slipping away.
  • Got laid for the first time in over eight months.
  • Been seeing my kids more often.
  • My friends made a song for me:

  • I feel my depression creeping back in.
  • I'm mending things with my wife, and the divorce is put on hold; but I don't know how far I want us to go.
  • Found out that my child support will basically leave me with no money for booze, cigs, and condense my diet into ramen and hotdogs. All of which means I have to find another job, but the job I have now is the first one I've actually liked even though it pays minimum wage, and the only other places I can really work at are warehouses and factories which sounds terrible.
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  • Did another 40 minutes on the bike. Burned another 400 calories or so.
  • First day of my new job tomorrow.
  • Drinking champagne and pineapple juice, 'cuz I can.
  • Kinda nervous.
  • Having one of my "I really miss Scotty" days.
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Reactions: Gikoku
  • Some great announcements at E3.
  • PC should be finished by next week, just got to order monitor and then build it.
  • Repaired an old work machine and gave it to my Father in Law.
  • Shall be in Las Vegas in just over a week.
  • I finally have cash again.
  • Purchased a 2nd Xbox One for my Step-Son for his birthday.
  • Car needs some minor repairs here and there for wear and tear.
  • Weather has sucked for the 'summer' so far.
  • Still 5 days of work left before holiday.
  • Car is still filthy after driving it to a music festival last weekend.

- Finally got the internet back on, now things can resume back to normal. Sigh.
- Won't be much longer now until I'm back in Scotland again. Yay!
- Sting vs Undertaker confiiiiirmed.
- Loving the hell out of Fallout 2, makes me feel pretty bad having neglected it all this time. Sublime game.
- Still saving up for Kath's Christmas presents, coming along fairly well at the moment.


- I really, really, really, really, really hate my scummy next door neighbor. On the other hand, bad karma sticks to them like flies on a turd, so it all evens out.
- Still have to sort cable/internet nonsense out since Time Warner went ahead and force-bundled cable with the internet package that I didn't ask for and even refused, but falsely advertised it as free... it ain't free. I'm pretty sure I recall false advertisement being illegal. Ugh.
- Wish international flight tickets weren't so expensive, it's ridiculous.
- Fallout 4 LE Lithograph was sold out in minutes, eh, I'll just make and print my own instead. No big deal.
  • Im back in the land of PC owners.
  • The Witcher 3, just superb.
  • Had good night out last night and good seeing an old friend I havent seen for years.
  • Good seeing Steve at the weekend too.
  • At work and didnt get home until 2am.
  • Havent had much time to actually sit at my PC yet, Internet went down for maintenance when I did have time (typical).
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Reactions: Gikoku
- EVO 2015 tournament was incredible. Smash 4, MKX, USF4 had me on edge and the finish was unbelievable. Woshige's premature celebration that cost him everything was absolutely hilarious. :lol:
- **** me, I completely forgot all about Dragon Ball Super going live. Getting on that.
- Andy's rig is finished!

- Midwestern muggy weather has been brutal, freezing cold to hot and heavy a day later and not letting up.
- Internet connection has been shoddy lately, terrible speeds. Hopefully it'll get better soon.
No word on the English dub yet as far as I've heard so have to find a subtitled one.
Hey I'm just glad the show is finally back in proper form with Toriyama at the helm! Not a film, not a live action flop, not a nostalgia short, but an actual return to the series so I'll gladly take them subs. :P
Hey I'm just glad the show is finally back in proper form with Toriyama at the helm! Not a film, not a live action flop, not a nostalgia short, but an actual return to the series so I'll gladly take them subs. :P

Me too, just got to find it now. :lol:

I was so happy when it was announced and after getting Jack into DBZ it will be nice to be able to watch new material together (though he refuses to watch Japanese versions). Spends whole time laughing at their voices saying how funny they all sound.
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Me too, just got to find it now. :lol:

I was so happy when it was announced and after getting Jack into DBZ it will be nice to be able to watch new material together (though he refuses to watch Japanese versions). Spends whole time laughing at their voices saying how funny they all sound.
I have to admit it took me awhile as well to get used to the rather unique voices of the J-Dub as well, but once I did it was so good. Maybe he'll eventually come around. Well we can be thankful it won't be as big a release gap as the dub FUNi did back in the day which was 10 whole years. Since the demand will be there, there could be hope for a next year dubbing, again hopefully. I can help you out there since I know a few places, no worries.
I have to admit it took me awhile as well to get used to the rather unique voices of the J-Dub as well, but once I did it was so good. Maybe he'll eventually come around. Well we can be thankful it won't be as big a release gap as the dub FUNi did back in the day which was 10 whole years. Since the demand will be there, there could be hope for a next year dubbing, again hopefully. I can help you out there since I know a few places, no worries.

I watched the 3 episodes that had been released so far, humour seems to have gone back the DB days and new animation looks nice. I was surprised to see it was leading up to the start of the Battle of Gods movie so wondering how this will play out in the show and what enemies could follow such a clash and not simply be overshadowed by the whole 'Gods' concept.
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I watched the 3 episodes that had been released so far, humour seems to have gone back the DB days and new animation looks nice. I was surprised to see it was leading up to the start of the Battle of Gods movie so wondering how this will play out in the show and what enemies could follow such a clash and not simply be overshadowed by the whole 'Gods' concept.
I dig the humor, it's quite dialed back from the Battle of Gods film which definitely overdid it (Vegeta was essentially Krillin in there). Yeah me too, I imagine they'll probably just have snippets of Goku vs Beerus, but focus on what the other characters were doing while that was happening otherwise no point in watching the film. Yeah... I've been concerned about how they plan to handle that.. SSJ3 was pushing it, but apparently Toriyama ceased to hold back and the 2nd film introduced a higher form to SSJG... So, yeah.

Dunno if I'm alone in the thought, but I personally liked the idea of SSJ3 being the ultimate. Hard to care for the forms when there's always a new one that gets pulled out the butt.

- Flight/ticket booked for Scotland!
- Really enjoying Dragon Ball Super, Toriyama hasn't missed a beat.

- Hulk Hogan's a racist... and Jared Fogle's a pedophile. Ah jeez.
- Still running with cold showers.
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I dig the humor, it's quite dialed back from the Battle of Gods film which definitely overdid it (Vegeta was essentially Krillin in there). Yeah me too, I imagine they'll probably just have snippets of Goku vs Beerus, but focus on what the other characters were doing while that was happening otherwise no point in watching the film. Yeah... I've been concerned about how they plan to handle that.. SSJ3 was pushing it, but apparently Toriyama ceased to hold back and the 2nd film introduced a higher form to SSJG... So, yeah.

Dunno if I'm alone in the thought, but I personally liked the idea of SSJ3 being the ultimate. Hard to care for the forms when there's always a new one that gets pulled out the butt.

I noticed more Master Roshi humour had returned and Vegeta has gone back to the attitude we grew to love. Just concerned with the Gods aspect being brought into the TV show as no-one but Goku can compete on that level and makes all the other characters pointless. filler, cannon fodder (including Vegeta). I agree that you cant just keep throwing new levels into things so fast when SSJ3 was seen as ultimate and then 5 mins later SSJ4 came in (which has now been cast aside as non-canon) but now God forms...
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I noticed more Master Roshi humour had returned and Vegeta has gone back to the attitude we grew to love. Just concerned with the Gods aspect being brought into the TV show as no-one but Goku can compete on that level and makes all the other characters pointless. filler, cannon fodder (including Vegeta). I agree that you cant just keep throwing new levels into things so fast when SSJ3 was seen as ultimate and then 5 mins later SSJ4 came in (which has now been cast aside as non-canon) but now God forms...
Yeah I was pleasantly surprised to see them bring Roshi back to his old DB self and Vegeta back to not giving a damn. Toriyama mentioned in an interview recently that he plans to give Vegeta a better run this time, as he admitted he loved Vegeta but only treated him badly in Z because everyone loved him more than Goku so it was more of Toriyama being "sadistic" with fans just for kicks. >_> Jeez lol. I think Toriyama's just taking the p**s with it now as the 2nd film has Frieza returning as ... you guessed it, a solid gold GOD, because why the hell not. I still need to watch it too.

So I'm just going to roll with it and attempt to take it seriously whenever it calls upon such.
Yeah I was pleasantly surprised to see them bring Roshi back to his old DB self and Vegeta back to not giving a damn. Toriyama mentioned in an interview recently that he plans to give Vegeta a better run this time, as he admitted he loved Vegeta but only treated him badly in Z because everyone loved him more than Goku so it was more of Toriyama being "sadistic" with fans just for kicks. >_> Jeez lol. I think Toriyama's just taking the p**s with it now as the 2nd film has Frieza returning as ... you guessed it, a solid gold GOD, because why the hell not. I still need to watch it too.

So I'm just going to roll with it and attempt to take it seriously whenever it calls upon such.

I have seen Battle of The Gods and it was alright, not bad but not great either and still not sold on the whole gods concept. I am yet to see the Return of Frieza movie though and he will always rank as one of the best villians in DBZ so im glad to see him back. Just hope Vegeta doesnt get kicked to the curb with all this gods talk again and he did better than expected in Battle of The Gods movie, just hope he doesnt suddenly acquire God form straight away or via a cheap tactic (like SSJ4) as it robs him of the achievement.

  • Windows 10 installed finally and I rather like it.
  • Been decorating 3rd bedroom and its coming on well.
  • Last early work day of the week today.
  • Feels great to be back online properly again and have a good gaming rig.
  • Lack of time has meant I havent actually played on my new rig all that much yet.
  • Still in need of a headset for it.
  • Some games I want but havent got time or cash for them yet.
  • Had no time to play The Witcher 3 and getting withdrawals.
I have seen Battle of The Gods and it was alright, not bad but not great either and still not sold on the whole gods concept. I am yet to see the Return of Frieza movie though and he will always rank as one of the best villians in DBZ so im glad to see him back. Just hope Vegeta doesnt get kicked to the curb with all this gods talk again and he did better than expected in Battle of The Gods movie, just hope he doesnt suddenly acquire God form straight away or via a cheap tactic (like SSJ4) as it robs him of the achievement.

  • Windows 10 installed finally and I rather like it.
  • Been decorating 3rd bedroom and its coming on well.
  • Last early work day of the week today.
  • Feels great to be back online properly again and have a good gaming rig.
  • Lack of time has meant I havent actually played on my new rig all that much yet.
  • Still in need of a headset for it.
  • Some games I want but havent got time or cash for them yet.
  • Had no time to play The Witcher 3 and getting withdrawals.
Yeah BTG was pretty good, hopefully I can squeeze in some time for Return of F as it looks like it'll be taken a bit more seriously. I like that Bills has a lot of respect for Frieza and finding out that Goku killed him left him in utter shock, was nice to see the old villains get some respect rather than being comedy acts like in GT. Speakin' of which, thank goodness GT isn't canon, they really damaged Vegeta's character depth.. moustache and all.

- Got my paypal fixed.
- Finally managed to get the Metro Redux bundle on sale.
- Forgot that I still get to pick a few items from my health care plan, just some little gizmos like an electric scale. Not much time left so I better hurry.
- Finally got laptop upgraded to Windows 10, no issues.

- RIP Roddy Piper.. :(
- Jimmy Snuka has stomach cancer.
- Insomnia, really struggling to sleep lately and can't get my mind to properly relax either, too many active thoughts.
- Need a new cable for my headphones again, sigh... been through about 4 cables now since I bought 'em.
- Sister keeps buggin' me about moving out of state. First it was Chicago, now she's talking about North Carolina. Whatever.