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  • Thread starter flamingsquirrel
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is wearing Queen's lace panties.
Town Guard
Aug 19, 2006
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Re: Evelutoin

I'm too tired for religions debate right now, so I'll just answer to your argument about Creationism, and a bit about your Christinaity.

You say that there are no things to disprove it, let me counter with: Give me one single peice of evidence it happend like Creationism says it did. Apart from the Bible you can't possible find any proof.

Evolution however does have tons of evidence speaking for it, and as you learnt about your theory of the giraffe it can be put to the test and still prevail.

I wonder which branch of Christianity you belive in. Because all that I was thought of Christianity speaks of the opposite of which you speak of - people do not have to belive in god to be allowed into heaven, because god is forgiving entity and will still allow people into heaven. And didn't (*****) die on the cross to allow everyone into heaven?


Eccentric Genious
Mar 27, 2006
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Re: Evelutoin

flamingsquirrel;25097 said:
Acording to christianty: yes, you still wouldent make it" to heaven (is that better than saying yes, you'd still burn in hell?) I can't remember who, it's either the jews or the catholics who belive that no matter what you do, you still go to heaven, but you spend time in "penance" for all the bad stuff you did, the more bad stuff you did, the more time you spend in "penance" In Christainity, you have to accept *****, the jews aknowlege him as a prophet, not the son of God. In christainity, as long as you accept *****, and have good intensoins, you get a "gaurntee ticket" to heaven, if not well, you'd get ****ed at me again if I said it. And Christainity is not about running around telling people there're going to hell, it's about spreading the news that if you accept *****, you get a one way ticket to heaven.

Tsuyu: While you say Christainity has flaws, only one was pointed oput, and I squelshed it, I would be intereseted in hearing the other "flaws" you see in it.

And as for the whole "we could go down that road and bash every religion in the world and expose it's weaknesses" you can also do the same to evolutoin and the big bang, etc.

As i've said before, there are certain things that disprove each other, but not prove itself. And I have yet to see somthing that seriously disproves creatoinism aside from the fact that people are unwilling to admit there is somthing more powerful than themself out there.

You said:
...it's about spreading the news that if you accept *****, you get a one way ticket to heaven.

And what happens if you dont accept *****, you get your one way ticket to hell. You cant say accept *****, go to heaven without people thinking of going to the other place as well which instills fear into them. Christians preach the word of God yes, but along with the word of God comes the possibility of damnation if you dont believe in him or you deny his ways. Its kind of like a dictater or Hitler to a lesser extent- you dont like his way your screwed- only difference is that God doesnt execute you there and then, he lets you die and sentences you to an eternity of hell.

Its catholics who believe in purgatory for those who have not been saved. They have a middle ground unlike plain old Christianity where everything is black and white- youre damned or your not.

Okay so what happens if somebody goes out, murders a bunch of school kids, rapes a pensioner, mows a few cats with his motorcycle and then crashes a plane into the White House or a mall with thousands of people in it- then just before that plane crashes he repents for his sins, becomes Christian and declares his unwaverring belief in God. Your telling me God would accept somebody like that over a person who has lived their life as best as they can and hasnt a got a bad bone in their body and the only so called 'wrong' thing they ever did was not believe in God?


Re: Evelutoin

flamingsquirrel;25097 said:
Acording to christianty: yes, you still wouldent make it" to heaven (is that better than saying yes, you'd still burn in hell?) I can't remember who, it's either the jews or the catholics who belive that no matter what you do, you still go to heaven, but you spend time in "penance" for all the bad stuff you did, the more bad stuff you did, the more time you spend in "penance" In Christainity, you have to accept *****, the jews aknowlege him as a prophet, not the son of God. In christainity, as long as you accept *****, and have good intensoins, you get a "gaurntee ticket" to heaven, if not well, you'd get ****ed at me again if I said it. And Christainity is not about running around telling people there're going to hell, it's about spreading the news that if you accept *****, you get a one way ticket to heaven.

Tsuyu: While you say Christainity has flaws, only one was pointed oput, and I squelshed it, I would be intereseted in hearing the other "flaws" you see in it.

And as for the whole "we could go down that road and bash every religion in the world and expose it's weaknesses" you can also do the same to evolutoin and the big bang, etc.

As i've said before, there are certain things that disprove each other, but not prove itself. And I have yet to see somthing that seriously disproves creatoinism aside from the fact that people are unwilling to admit there is somthing more powerful than themself out there.

you do know that there are many forms of Christianity, right? I don't really get how you can distinguish between Chrisitians and Catholics when the Catholics are Christians... just like Anglicans, Protestants, Mormons, there's too many to even count, and they all have differing ideas on things like who gets into heaven and whether they accept evolution or not. To make such generalized statements as "christians think this" and "christians think that" is a little misleading... all christians don't agree on everything, and you don't speak for all forms of christianity.
also, what exactly is the difference between telling someone that if they believe what you do they're going to heaven, and telling them if they don't they're going to hell? it sounds the same to me


Re: Evelutoin

KK, first of, just becuase it the giraffe COULD have happend by evolutoin, DOSN'T mean it did, it also COULD have been created by a divine entity. There is no real PROOF that says "This is how it happend" we don't have a set of fossils that show a fish slowly starting to grow legs with each fossil. so really, I have never seen any real PROOF (showing that without doubt that evolutoin occored.) on the other hand, there is no PROOF for creatoinism.

Christianity is Chritianity, and it's exactly as I described it. The whole "everyone goes to heaven, but if you do bad stuff ou have to wait longer" stuff is CATHOLIC. But there is no proof of that in the bible, in the bible, it repeatly says "the only way to heaven is by accepting christ." but for some reason, catholics still don't belive it. All I know about jews is that they don't accept christ as Gods son.

Christainity follows the bible to the letter. The bible HAS to be somewhat historicaly acurate becuase there is evidence of battles that took place in it, with the same names etc. All the cities in the bible have been found and identified in archiological digs, etc. even the lifestyles described in the bible have been verified, and the architeture of buildings etc.


Re: Evelutoin

fablefreak1;24842 said:
No evolution is bullcrap, there are no fossils that show any type of consecutive changes in the same type of animal.

are u serious? yea there is


Re: Evelutoin

no there arn't, if there are, then show a pic, there would be tons on google images


is wearing Queen's lace panties.
Town Guard
Aug 19, 2006
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Re: Evelutoin

Ignorance is bliss... Right Flammingsquirrel? You can't label Christianity like that. Sweden is Protestant so I was tought about it in school - and Protestant faith is also that all people are forgiven and let into Heaven.


Eccentric Genious
Mar 27, 2006
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Re: Evelutoin

flamingsquirrel;25209 said:
KK, first of, just becuase it the giraffe COULD have happend by evolutoin, DOSN'T mean it did, it also COULD have been created by a divine entity. There is no real PROOF that says "This is how it happend" we don't have a set of fossils that show a fish slowly starting to grow legs with each fossil. so really, I have never seen any real PROOF (showing that without doubt that evolutoin occored.) on the other hand, there is no PROOF for creatoinism.

Christianity is Chritianity, and it's exactly as I described it. The whole "everyone goes to heaven, but if you do bad stuff ou have to wait longer" stuff is CATHOLIC. But there is no proof of that in the bible, in the bible, it repeatly says "the only way to heaven is by accepting christ." but for some reason, catholics still don't belive it. All I know about jews is that they don't accept christ as Gods son.

Christainity follows the bible to the letter. The bible HAS to be somewhat historicaly acurate becuase there is evidence of battles that took place in it, with the same names etc. All the cities in the bible have been found and identified in archiological digs, etc. even the lifestyles described in the bible have been verified, and the architeture of buildings etc.

Actually, if I am not mistaken there are certain things in Catholocism which will get you eternally damned- things like sex before marriage is your one way ticket to hell. As for going to heaven, Catholics do penance such as saying the rosary and doing hail Mary's and if they do that everytime they have had a confession and then they also accept God they go right to heaven, that is why they are given their last rights on their death bed. Only those who have sins to attone for or have not yet accepted God/***** go to purgatory. I am not sure if that is 100% correct but thats what I got from Catholocism.

As for the evolution evidence, what about all those skulls discovered that bear resemblence to human and ape like structures, there are tonnes of them around...


Re: Evelutoin

there's entire skeletons who show the steady progression to human. there's genetic mapping whch shows how almost identical their dna was to ours. there's the fact that some of them did things like buiry their dead and place objects around the body, hands crossed over their chests... if those weren't human ancestors then what were they?


Re: Evelutoin

Yes, they were humans, they may have looked differnt, but they were still humans, the humans we got today are a product of micro evolutoin. The otherbonse you speak of were still fully funtoinal humans with all the brain capacity etc of what we have today, their physical apeance is differnt though, things like not having very good shelter, and working in fields everyday makes thier apearnce differnt from ours, seeing as the average human whatches TV?plays video games most of the time.


Re: Evelutoin

flamingsquirrel;25264 said:
Yes, they were humans, they may have looked differnt, but they were still humans, the humans we got today are a product of micro evolutoin. The otherbonse you speak of were still fully funtoinal humans with all the brain capacity etc of what we have today, their physical apeance is differnt though, things like not having very good shelter, and working in fields everyday makes thier apearnce differnt from ours, seeing as the average human whatches TV?plays video games most of the time.

yes, hominids were humans, that's what hominid means, but they did not look like us, and their brain capacity was considerably smaller than ours... also though their dna was remarkably similar to ours, it is different enough that were they alive today, we would be unable to breed with them, that makes them a different species. people do not develop brow ridges, smaller brains, and altered dna as a result of working in the fields.


is wearing Queen's lace panties.
Town Guard
Aug 19, 2006
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Re: Evelutoin

I belive we share 98% of our DNA with the chimpanzee. And they look way more diffferent from us than any of those early humans did. If we are that close related to the chimps, then you can't doubt that we are related to the early humans, who looks even more like us than those chimps.



Re: Evelutoin

Tsuyu;25270 said:
I belive we share 98% of our DNA with the chimpanzee. And they look way more diffferent from us than any of those early humans did. If we are that close related to the chimps, then you can't doubt that we are related to the early humans, who looks even more like us than those chimps.

I love chimps! :D

did you know that bonobos use language? I dont' mean us teaching them sign language, they have their own that they teach each other naturally in the wild... that's so awesome, and they're so cute...


is wearing Queen's lace panties.
Town Guard
Aug 19, 2006
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Re: Evelutoin

Hexadecimal;25272 said:
did you know that bonobos use language? I dont' mean us teaching them sign language, they have their own that they teach each other naturally in the wild... that's so awesome, and they're so cute...

Well, yeah. But only when their young. They are sort of scary when the grow into a huge silverback that could literary tear you in half with his bare hands!

Or wait, are silverbacks gorillas or is it just the term for big ape males? o_O


Re: Evelutoin

Tsuyu;25273 said:
Well, yeah. But only when their young. They are sort of scary when the grow into a huge silverback that could literary tear you in half with his bare hands!

Or wait, are silverbacks gorillas or is it just the term for big ape males? o_O

that's just gorillas...
and you should see chimps kissing and holding hands... that's cute, they kiss their babies booboos...


is wearing Queen's lace panties.
Town Guard
Aug 19, 2006
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Re: Evelutoin

Still, big chimp males are scary nontheless - there is also a violent darker side to their society....

But yes, they are quite able to some acts of cuteness aswell. :kiss:


Re: Evelutoin

Tsuyu;25275 said:
Still, big chimp males are scary nontheless - there is also a violent darker side to their society....

But yes, they are quite able to some acts of cuteness aswell. :kiss:

some are, but bonobo chimps are totally gentle, they just have sex all day...
they're a lot like us, it's really cool


Re: Evelutoin

weirdkidinabox;25439 said:
Yay for chimp sex :D :p :lol:

they use sex to diffuse practicly every negative situation, somebody dies, new predator, there's a fight, somebody's scared... anything that happens, they have sex after... we could learn a lot from our horny cousins...


is wearing Queen's lace panties.
Town Guard
Aug 19, 2006
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Re: Evelutoin

Hexadecimal;25441 said:
they use sex to diffuse practicly every negative situation, somebody dies, new predator, there's a fight, somebody's scared... anything that happens, they have sex after... we could learn a lot from our horny cousins...

Oh, these noble animals...So much like us.
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