Daniel Ray
The Wizard From The East
I think i just got too close to the project. By the time i was writing the full draft i had already grown accustomed to the characters and stopped seeing them as fables' characters and more my own. Even though i know full well the characters are from the game, after typing it all whenever i play fable 2 or 3 i think to myself "you're not the real characters" or "i know what happens to you." Apparently it was the same for my room mates (who were the test audience XD)
I don't know, i think i just got too close to the story itself to take too much notice of what the characters are like in the game and was hoping that the readers weren't too disgruntled over his (brief?) personality changePerhaps you may feel differently when it ends although that's a long way to go.
Well, it IS fan fiction, which is allowed to break the lore and characterization of the original sources to make your own (which is why you can find oh so many fanfic romances between Harry Potter and Ron Weasley).

Well, you said it earlier on, that you wanted to bring Reaver's "other side" out, which is what you're doing quite well. You're adding a new dimension to him, so when I play Fable III and I meet Reaver, I wouldn't think "Oh, you bastard. You cold hearted bastard". I would think "Oh, Reaver, if only you didn't have your heart broken." I would actually feel for him and that in turn helps me feel better playing the game, which sadly lacks quite a lot of characterization.