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Ask The Staff 'Anything'

Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

Well, I dislike Patton and I default to disliking Rommel.

And, being a Marylander obsessed with history, I also have to say that Abe Lincoln is more unutterably badass than Washington. Also, it helps that I am a die-hard "The Confederates and their sympathizers were all jackasses and/or morons" kinda guy.
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

FableFreak;165626 said:
If the Rhine River went dry, who could fill it with p**s faster? General George S. Patton or Erwin Rommel? Or perhaps George Washington or Abe Lincoln?
I bet a ninja could do it faster than the both of 'em.
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

FableFreak;165626 said:
If the Rhine River went dry, who could fill it with p**s faster? General George S. Patton or Erwin Rommel? Or perhaps George Washington or Abe Lincoln?

I dont care who did it, id tip my hat to anyone that could though. :lol:

§ephiroxa§;165707 said:
How come no ones looked at my Audio Surf Video of the bowerstone theme

I didnt even know there was one until you said.
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

projectego;165702 said:
I bet a ninja could do it faster than the both of 'em.

And I bet real ninja's havn't existed for several centuries.

By the way, Patton is ****ing awesome. I don't care what anyone says, he rocked!
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

This question is for all who happens to read it, I want to know everyone's stance on gun control and everything you are familiar with about it. PM me or post in here.

Edit: 1900 posts, sweet!

100 more and I hit the 2000 mark.
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

The right to bear arms is an outdated relic from the times of the revolution, if you ask me. Now that the States have been recognized as it's own country you don't need every Joe Smoe carrying a gun, that's what the military is for.
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

Tsuyu;167661 said:
The right to bear arms is an outdated relic from the times of the revolution, if you ask me. Now that the States have been recognized as it's own country you don't need every Joe Smoe carrying a gun, that's what the military is for.

Yeah im about the same, people dont need guns to 'Defend' themselves these days and more people carry them as status symbols and as a threat to others more than anything. The police and military etc should be the only ones with the right to carry guns around. Having them in your house is fine even if its just to shoot in the fields (if you own lots of land) just see no need to walk around with one.
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

Me too, I think if people didnt have that right, they wouldnt need it either!
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

Tsuyu;167661 said:
The right to bear arms is an outdated relic from the times of the revolution, if you ask me. Now that the States have been recognized as it's own country you don't need every Joe Smoe carrying a gun, that's what the military is for.

Dark Drakan;167666 said:
Yeah im about the same, people dont need guns to 'Defend' themselves these days and more people carry them as status symbols and as a threat to others more than anything. The police and military etc should be the only ones with the right to carry guns around. Having them in your house is fine even if its just to shoot in the fields (if you own lots of land) just see no need to walk around with one.

I want to know, have you guys actually EVER been to the United States? Because we certainly don't sling our guns around like in Western films. To carry one on the street (in most places) you need to have a permit which takes a long time to get. I feel safer when I go to sleep at night knowing that if someone broke into my house that the only thing he would be leaving with is a new asshole where his face was and 180 grains of lead imbedded in his skull. Also here in America its definately not a status symbol to have a gun, so many people have them its commonplace.

Plus guns are a hell of a lot of fun! Ever shot watermelon with a 20 guage slug? How about a can of whipped cream with a .30 Carbine?

Here is an interesting statistic for you:

In Arizona 33% of the adult population have Concealed Carry Permits, that state has some of the lowest crime rates in the country.

Dark Drakan;167666 said:
The police and military etc should be the only ones with the right to carry guns around.

Yes, but when seconds count the Police are only minutes away.
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

Zingo;167675 said:
Me too, I think if people didnt have that right, they wouldnt need it either!
I disabled a whole lot of stuff for visitors and search engine spiders. The reason for making avatars, signatures, and the like, was simply because search engine spiders have an easier time indexing the site when there aren't a ton of graphics weighing 'em down. It also saves bandwidth for me and reduces load time for guests, too.
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

FableFreak;167649 said:
This question is for all who happens to read it, I want to know everyone's stance on gun control and everything you are familiar with about it. PM me or post in here.

Edit: 1900 posts, sweet!

100 more and I hit the 2000 mark.
I know very very little about gun rules and what have you - I think that if people are trained properly and taught to respect firearms for the weapons that they are then the majority of law abiding individuals will behave and not go shooting the first person who calls them an idiot over lunch or whatever.

Unfortunately, there will always be idiots and there is too much romance surrounding gun culture, in the UK at least, and they all want to play Rambo and do the whole drive-by nonsense like they see on TV. I feel that many are too desensitized to guns and how dangerous they can be in the wrong hands - too many hot headed individuals who want to use guns to achieve status amongst their peers.

There was a shooting last year at Jessica's school by teenagers using BB guns - clearly their parents did not think when buying their kids these "toys" and we do have a lot of animals and children being shot at for "fun" by teenagers wielding these sorts of weapons. If people are to be allowed guns, then they ought to be trained properly and if they violate the rules in any way then they should be banned from purchasing/using firearms. Obviously there will always be a black market, but you do what you can.


TRA Rotid;167674 said:
Why can`t regular guests see our sigs? At least I couldn`t.
It's punishment for not signing up :P
Re: Ask The Staff 'Anything'

FableFreak;167708 said:
I want to know, have you guys actually EVER been to the United States? Because we certainly don't sling our guns around like in Western films. To carry one on the street (in most places) you need to have a permit which takes a long time to get. I feel safer when I go to sleep at night knowing that if someone broke into my house that the only thing he would be leaving with is a new asshole where his face was and 180 grains of lead imbedded in his skull. Also here in America its definately not a status symbol to have a gun, so many people have them its commonplace.

I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about how easy it is to get a hold of a firearm in the States due to this "right to bear arms" compared to the parts of the world.

The whole "protection" aspect is pure bull, because it also means that the criminals and other scum will also have easier access to the guns so it becomes an invalid point.

"I love the right to bear arms. I feel safer than without it, now I can protect myself"
"Oh yeah, from whom?"
"Other people with guns."

Also, have you ever heard of a school massacre/shooting outside of the States?