I would definitely like to see more black people. There was 1 black guy in fable 2 and he was like some magic black guy. I don't think anyone really even cared for him. I personally hated him. he looked like a crackhead. Maybe they should implement a black guy costume like something from Nigeria or something so that it brings ethnicity and diversity. You would get to see the game from an African perspective. Perhaps in that armor you can swing from one end of the map to the other with the simple swing of a vine and throw bananas at your opponents. Kind of like the armor has skills. Afro's are cool like a guy previously stated. Maybe also I'd like to see your character have the ability to use targeted urination of course being assault and having the guards on you. Maybe the option to poop on a hooker during intercourse. Illegal substances that boost your abilities. Like crack would give you super strength but reduce all your intelligence based skills and probably reduce accuracy with the gun. The option to stab someone in the eye with a pen assuming you catch them off guard because they just ****ed you off like when citizens follow you around and block the path. The ability to go fishing. It would add to the end game content. I mean not like the fishing in fable 1 but fishing off bowerstone bridge like in an extreme pro fishing game or something. Then you could enter fishing competitions on live. Coal to put in the furnaces instead of using wood. Wild slaves you can capture in the wild and tame to be servants that will farm your produce and upkeep your property like mowing the lawn and cutting the bushes because we all know that **** doesn't just do itself, they make it seem like magic does it in fable. They should fill up that big ****ing hole that the crazy archeological woman dug up in your front yard in fairfax and never filled back in. That **** is ugly.