If you start drinking you will become addicted to it along with the cigs. then you will be and alchoholic smoker and nobody will like you so you will turn to ilegal drugs. you will become addicted heavy ilegal drugs and never have enough money to feed all your addictions causing you to whore yourself out to anyone and everyone. you will catch every STD know to man and they will discover a few knew ones in you aswell. this will attract all sorts of attention from the medical and scientific communites who will be constantly examining you. they will quickly find out that your new deseases are highly contagious but it will be to late. a pandemic of multiple deseases will spread like wildfire accross the contenent killing millions in its wake, it will soon move overseas and the death toll will increase even more. the few survivors will find themselves in a world stinking of death, they will riot in the streets doing whatever it takes to survive. dead bodies will be everywere and people will start necromanic cults and perform rituals all day long. they will eventually succed causing a huge crack in the universe to open up, and all the dead people from the past will come raining down to feed upon the living. a zombie apocolypse will plauge the earth, destroying everything thats left of humanity. oil facilities will explode and huge wildfires will rage accross the globe. in the end all thats left of the earth will be a big smoking ball of ash. and you will be left alone, forever to wander the earth knowing you were the one that brought about armageddon.
is that what you want?