The fastest way to make money I've come across is going to each hold and looting every shop and palace, along with sleeping bodies. Of course you will need to find a fence to sell your stolen loot. Some people have jewelry upwards of 800G a pop, and best part is loot on shelves respawn after awhile unlike Oblivion. I've amassed 30,000 Septims from stealing and doing quests here and there.Aside from simply looting everything in dungeons especially dead bodies (all undead & humanoid enemies have gold on them), then selling jewelry and everything you don't need... I don't know of any exploits.
I've already amassed 8,000 coins just from the loot of 2 dungeons already.
Can also craft your own armor and weapons at the smithing and then sell that off for more easy money.
Plus I haven't really ever found a vendor worth my time and gold.