Re: Whats Rocked And Sucked?
- Got monumentally wasted last night with my mates at uni and was out until 2:30 this morning !
- It was a massive foam party :w00t:
- I pulled ! AWWWWW Yeahhhh

- I also found someones lost iPhone on the floor while jumpin about in the foam. It's in real good condition seeing as foam was EVERYWHERE !11!!!one!1 couldn't breathe properly lol
- RDR has been dispatched and could be here today or tomorrow !
- I have one massive hangover and had to get the train at 8:00 this morning after only getting in 2 hours sleep

- Had to wear the same jeans and shoes home and they were SOAKED !
- Nothing sucks in regards to the 'pulling'. She was FIT !

- I have always wanted an iPhone but I am not gonna resort to stealing and keeping it. Gonna charge it up asap and find their parents number so I can get it back to them. You don't ralise how hard this is . . . I
REALLY want an iPhone. Damn my good nature ! lol
- If RDR doesn't arrive today or tomorrow then
HEADS WILL ROLL !1!!1!11one!!11!exclamationmark!11!