Aye rep is well deserved
For this poem long and vast you served
Now only I remain, to honor what you said
But I can't beleave in the dark tower I'm dead
But now you deserve a poem that will be easy to remind
About how the nightfox set his bind
he is Darg at days break
and a fox during the night
many lives he did take
before mournings light
But left weak from the transformation
dew soaking his face
A group of bandits did fall into formation
and so Darg quickened his pace,
until at last he could stall no more,
He fought weary, still weak and close to helpless
But he did not die in this battle for,
he fought his way out,
one against hundreds
but this was no bout
there was a price to pay as he lay them on their deathbeds
He made it halfway through blades with their fill
Taking more blood was their will
Until he came upon innocent bodys, left helpless and limp
He became over come with anger and rage
for amoung the pile were children, about 5 was their age
and many bandit necks he did crimp
In his blind fury, flanked him one did
But this clever being, cought him, and in the bandits his blades hid
He fought from daylight to day break
and peirced in his back a stake
sucking out his energy and determination
He fought and fought
and sent many bandits to their damnation
And upon his lips did the night fox speak
"For me this is not
this is for innocent lives taken, and It tis your death you seek."
and with those words out came the bandit leader
with his temper high and his bloodlust eager
He struck at the clever Darg's chest
only for the nightfox to parry
Nightfox tried to counter, but the out come not marry.
The bandit deflected the blow, and Nightfox's blade did go flying
"You fought with many of my men dead
and for this I will take your head,
but you will not die without my respect, and I hereby put you to rest"
But darg had not finished and upon the horizan his voice ringing
he said "I am not doing the dieing
alone You will fall this I am not lieing"
The bandit struck with all his might
but the bandit lord died, his own blade in his chest
but Darg did fall for the stake was deeper in
and upon his lips a grin
just as the days light
began stalking away
many died in this fray
and upon the light retreating
a fox ran across the feild fleeing,
For only in death can his spirit choose one being
A fox was to his wishes, clever and smarter still
and the badits their bill
paid in death, were eaten by the crows
But the story of the nighfox never grows,
for if it grew, the story tainted it would be,
but this site you must see
upon the fox's natural death he cast a spell
His paw print in the moon and his greatest kills in hell