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Why hate the USA?



Re: Why hate the USA?

Thats what I get for working all day, I don't get to stay in the loop...

moonfever;192798 said:
Thanks Lionheart, for your kind words. They are appreciated. :) I love England, and I love my country, there's a lot to love in any country. I just think people are different everywhere. It's not our fault that only the very wealthy, are ever elected, into office. If we could get a normal middle class person elected, with half a brain, that would help with public relations. Bush, isn't very smart.

HA! Thats an understatement.

Angel;192801 said:
I am wondering what it is that breeds such strong patriotic feelings? I've never felt that way about my own country and I'm curious as to why it is some people feel so intense about their homeland?

Genuine question, by the way :)

Brainwashing. It starts out in the schools (or in families that has been involved in the service), luckily I think for myself.I like to think I was pretty smart as a kid to know to think for myself and like what I like not trends.

moonfever;192811 said:
It's taught to us from the very beginning of our lives. America is so new that it's not hard to go back to where we started, and how far we've become. We've worked hard all our lives to obtain, the great American dream. Literally to hard. I envy countries, that let you take the whole month of August, as a vacation. That must be nice. Our companies will work us to death. I digress.
Anyway, when an elected official causes such friction, it's not the American people as a whole, that's responsible, but we're forced to back him, out of respect. I find it hard to do that right now, and it's confusing me.:unsure: We have a lot of foreclosures, bankruptcies, at the moment because, of what's going on, and I fear, our children are the ones, that are going to pay, for the elected officials mistakes.
American people, usually are very loyal, as a whole. Christian faith is very strong. God first and foremost, country, and man.:) We can't help it, we just are.

See, I am right... lol :p

I know. I was sick (really sick) and I called off work. I have been working there almost a year (11 months) and this was the first time I called off. I got written up twice... because it was a "Holiday weekend"... bullsh-t.
Another thing that is p-ssing me off... I just found out that the guy that does the same job as me that just got hired 3 months ago is getting paid more then me (along with another girl that has been working there less then me).

moonfever;192824 said:
We have all dropped a long ways. Bush just vetoed another bill, to stop the foreclosures. We're in for a rocky ride. I keep voting to help those that truly needs it, and he stops it. It gets so frustrating.
America is made up, of all different nationalities. We were British first, you know. I'm a direct link to the Middleton family, in England. To hate England, would be like hating myself.:p

Thats why he is the best... (sarcasm)

moonfever;192829 said:
LOL, that's so funny. I'm half German as well as English, and a touch of Irish.
We're all mutts.;)

I'm sorry... I don't wanna sound out of line but... hot. :D

I wish America would get it through their thick soil that everyone doesn't want our help.
We should get a phone that only people that want our help can call if they are THAT concerned about it.


Down with this sort of thing
Town Guard
Aug 13, 2006
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Re: Why hate the USA?

^ Like The Samaritans? :lol:

Is it compulsory for everyone to do the whole Pledge of Alliegance thing at school in America or can you opt out?


Re: Why hate the USA?

Well to show respect to the flag and the men and women fighting for our country, i think you should do it for the soldiers


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2008
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Re: Why hate the USA?

Angel;193274 said:
^ Like The Samaritans? :lol:

Is it compulsory for everyone to do the whole Pledge of Alliegance thing at school in America or can you opt out?
Opt out? I was very happy pledging allegiance. It never occurred to me, not to be. :unsure: I thought every country did the same thing. But to their own country.

I love the French, they have a very sexy accent.


Re: Why hate the USA?

moonfever;193279 said:
Opt out? I was very happy pledging allegiance. It never occurred to me, not to be. :unsure: I thought every country did the same thing. But to their own country.

I love the French, they have a very sexy accent.

.........They do thats true, nobody beats english accents!


Down with this sort of thing
Town Guard
Aug 13, 2006
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Re: Why hate the USA?

moonfever;193279 said:
Opt out? I was very happy pledging allegiance. It never occurred to me, not to be. :unsure: I thought every country did the same thing. But to their own country.
If we did that here, we'd all be hauled into court for inciting racial hatred or some such rubbish. Political Correctness gone mental...

See if I lived in America I would refuse point blank to pledge alliegance on principle. Not to be a rebel and say "I don't follow your laws" or whatever but because I do not see how reciting something whilst facing a flag makes you anymore patriotic than the next guy. Patriot is as patriot does - anyone can wave a flag and say words, but it's quite another to fight for your country out of a desire to defend it.


is wearing Queen's lace panties.
Town Guard
Aug 19, 2006
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Re: Why hate the USA?

Angel;193289 said:
If we did that here, we'd all be hauled into court for inciting racial hatred or some such rubbish. Political Correctness gone mental...

I hear that! Wear a t-shirt with the Swedish flag on it and you'll be labeled as some neo-Nazi scum nowadays.


Down with this sort of thing
Town Guard
Aug 13, 2006
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Re: Why hate the USA?

Mustn't celebrate anything even remotely white, Christian or British in this country anymore otherwise you're a bigoted racist discriminator who spends their free time trying to raise Hitler from the dead...:rolleyes:

We aren't allowed a heritage anymore, it would seem, even though our heritage is probably more multi-cultural than our current state given the sheer number of foreign conquerors/international marriages over the centuries...


Re: Why hate the USA?

Lithuania 84, United States of America 120

OOOO sick USA Rolled lithuania

Reality Check

Re: Why hate the USA?

Some of the last six pages are why people don't like U.S citizens.

Here are some historical reasons however for hating the U.S itself...

Annexation of native lands.
Stealing Mexico.
Invading the Philippines.
Invading Panama.
Terrorizing Cuba for decades.
Murdering millions of people as WW2 came to a close.
Setting up death squads from El Salvador down to Colombia.
Destroying Haiti.
Overthrowing Chile and setting up torture chambers, ironically, beginning on September 11, 1973.
Your entire economic relationship with all of the Americas.
Helping Suharto take over Indonesia resulting in 2+ million murdered poor people.
Backing Suharto and arming him to invade East Timor resulting in one of, if not the, worst per capita genocides of the 20th century.
Tampering with Korea and helping to kill 100,000 people before the US/Korea war officially started.
Decimating Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia and murdering 6+ million people.
The overthrow of Iran at the beginning of the 1950s.
The complete and full support of Saddam Hussein up until he stopped listening.
The billions that go to Saudi Arabia to prop up a monarchy and block attempts at democratic and human rights movements.
The complete support for Israel and several decades of both states unilaterally blocking all attempts at peaceful two state settlement that the majority of the world population agree on.
Permanent military bases throughout the middle east.
Kicking the inhabitants of a set of islands south of the Maldives out of their lands to create your third largest military base in the Indian Ocean.
Giving billions in weapons to Egypt and Turkey and helping them to carry out terrorism against their populations
Carrying out a terrorist war against Nicaragua in the 1980s and butchering 10,000s of peasants - then being found guilty by the International Court of Justice and the UN security council - then telling the world to f*** off after several requests to adhere to international law.
Spending more on your military than the rest of the world spends on theirs combined.
Exporting more weapons than any other place on earth.
Having 700 or so military bases outside the US border in a world of roughly only 200ish countries.

Just some things to dwell on if you wonder why people don't like the US government and its historical and future role.

As for reasons why regular people are apprehensive about all things American?

You have some quirky facts about you... cults on a scale unknown in any other western society, religious fundamentalism at a level equal with places like Afghanistan and Iran, a prison population that surpasses any other western nation, gun crime thats out of control, very high murder rates, lots of poverty, you rank about third worst in the hemisphere for labor rights, the only western nation not to have a labor based political party and one irritating thing is that a percentage of the general population seem to genuinely believe that the U.S is a democracy, it isn't.


Down with this sort of thing
Town Guard
Aug 13, 2006
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Re: Why hate the USA?

Now that's one hell of a first post :D

It would seem that in order for a country to be deemed "great" in whatever respect of the word, they must do some pretty awful things to get to that status.

England also have an extremely unpleasant history with regards to how we have treated other nations and even our own people...


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2008
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Re: Why hate the USA?

Angel;193297 said:
Mustn't celebrate anything even remotely white, Christian or British in this country anymore otherwise you're a bigoted racist discriminator who spends their free time trying to raise Hitler from the dead...:rolleyes:

We aren't allowed a heritage anymore, it would seem, even though our heritage is probably more multi-cultural than our current state given the sheer number of foreign conquerors/international marriages over the centuries...
That all sounds really sad. You'll never have that feeling, that I have. Of course you wouldn't pledge allegiance to our flag. You're not American. We have freedom of speech, here. As long as it's not causing a riot, we have the right for peaceful demonstrations. Of course they have to have an ok, in advance.
No more heritage,really? I'll have to think on this a bit.:unsure:


Down with this sort of thing
Town Guard
Aug 13, 2006
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Re: Why hate the USA?

Oh we have freedom of speech - it's just a bit limited at times ;)

Freedom of speech is a romantic notion, not a reality. It has to be moderated to some degree otherwise people will go around saying anything they like without consequence and this would create disorder on quite a scale. It's more like freedom of speech but with consequences/certain limitations rather than say whatever and no one will mind.

No heritage is a personal observation of mine based on how things have changed over very recent years. White is now the minority yet it is the white people in power who make this to be, not an invading race of some kind. To declare this nation as Christian (or even pagan, as it was before any conversion) based on its historical heritage is no longer permitted and even the next King will be changing his coronation promises to "defender of the FAITHS" instead of "defender of the FAITH" - something never before done and all in favour of politics.

I'm not even beginning to suggest that other religions should be banned - far from it. But to act as though our country has no roots in anything for fear of upsetting people who don't actually care either way is retarded. We're one of the few nations who roll over for other nationals but roll on their own people for the sake of politics.

We have a history, albeit not always positive, of having some balls culturally, politically, socially, economically and any other "ally" you can think of. Now we are known as the weedy kid in the playground hiding behind whichever country is the current dominant bully and legging it as soon as we are challenged without someone to cover for us. It's pathetic.


Re: Why hate the USA?

@Reality check, actually our gun control is doing fine, england is 4 times worse thena the united states.

Its human anture to do things, you cant stop it from happening. You can prevent it for awhile but not full out stop. Thats why i laugh at peace rallies, its never going to happen, its in teh human race to fight eachother.

Reality Check

Re: Why hate the USA?

Johnnycky94;193322 said:
Its human anture to do things,

That is probably the most awesome counter argument I have ever read.

you cant stop it from happening. You can prevent it for awhile but not full out stop. Thats why i laugh at peace rallies, its never going to happen, its in teh human race to fight eachother.

War is human nature? I'm sure if you looked into it you would find its usually just regular people tricked into doing it but what ever you say. :w00t:


Re: Why hate the USA?

Peace will never be acheived, people will always fight, thats just the way it is. I cant even argue why bc it just is in us to disagree and fight. Best of technology comes from war.!

When Hasnt man been fighting, conquering, destroying eachother??? Greeks did, Romans did, Revolutionary war, WWI WWII. Its endless and even the middle east, they have been fighting for thousands of years.

Reality Check

Re: Why hate the USA?

You can find your answers if you look at the structures of those societies and none mentioned are about human nature.

P.S. The American population was very pacifistic and reluctant to enter WW1, something they didn't see any point in, and was tricked into it with massive efforts by government/business.


New Member
Apr 13, 2007
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Re: Why hate the USA?

Maybe its the stereo types.

TRA Rotid

Päris geenius
Jul 17, 2006
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Re: Why hate the USA?

Angel;193274 said:
Is it compulsory for everyone to do the whole Pledge of Alliegance thing at school in America or can you opt out?

No, it`s not. We had an(other) American teacher last year and she said you don`t have to do it, but everyone will anyway.

Angel said:
We have a history, albeit not always positive, of having some balls culturally, politically, socially, economically and any other "ally" you can think of. Now we are known as the weedy kid in the playground hiding behind whichever country is the current dominant bully and legging it as soon as we are challenged without someone to cover for us. It's pathetic.

Funny, we were taught the exact opposite at school. We were told that England is so successful because it is a country with strong historical and cultural roots. That you have your own way of living and don`t follow other countries...


Re: Why hate the USA?

Seeing as I am the resident "American Patriot" on these forums I have strong feelings on this issue. You need to consider a few things before making judgements about the US.

1. The United States always has good intentions, it is in the details where things go to hell.
2. The United States has never, should never, and will never be the aggressor.
3. We are always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone. Look at the BILLIONS of dollars we have poured into African Aid, especially when you consider that the leaders of many of said countries resent the US.
4. We are always willing to bomb the sh*t out of you, assuming you have wronged us prior to said sh*t bombing.

So with these things considered, maybe we should realize that some people are just ignorant of the facts. But hey, ignorance is bliss. And they will be happy until they realize they don't have their sh1t together, in which case one of two things will occur:

1. The US will intervene, and they will either be happy, or they will say we aren't respecting their sovereignty.
2. We won't help them, in which case we are heartless b@stards who only care about ourselves and our Imperialistic goals.


For the record I think England rocks. Without you guys we wouldn't have Monty Python, the English language, or Eel pie.